Jeg skriver denne klage, da Gunsbet support konstant har sagt, at de skal kontakte DPO Dama NV, hvilket jeg har gjort, og de har været tavse nu om sagen, så nu prøver jeg at løse dette her.
Denne sag er i forhold til ansvarligt spil, der ikke følges over for spilleren.
Bemærk venligst.
En e-mail, der blev sendt og modtaget fra Dama NV, angiver, at blokeringsdatoerne oprindeligt var korrekte med 2019-året. Dama NV har også udtalt, at de ikke kan hjælpe med refusioner, da de er databeskyttelsesansvarlig og kun beskæftiger sig med data, ikke med hensyn til midler.
En besked, som jeg skrev til Dama NV:
Jeg kontakter dig i forhold til blokeringsdatoerne igen. I tidligere e-mails har du angivet, at jeg havde ret med 25.11.2019, og du bekræftede det i dine e-mails.
Dette bekræftes igen derefter af chatudskrifterne og de forskellige beskeder gennem de mange websteder, der bekræftede denne dato ovenfor og tidligere datoer. (Skærmbilleder kan leveres)
En besked til al support i denne e-mail (Sendt til websteder, der drives af Dama NV):
Denne blokeringsdato blev bekræftet af administrationen Direx NV, som skulle have overdraget/forblevet uændret, da overtagelsen blev foretaget af Dama NV, du har stadig optegnelser som sådan af tidligere websteder, der er tilmeldt i 2019, som det kan ses af oplysningerne, som er blevet leveret til mig af dig. Dataopbevaring blev gennemført af Direx NV, men blev ikke fulgt op af Dama NV, det kan have været en menneskelig fejl eller en teknisk fejl, men beviset er der for at fastslå, at administrationen på det tidspunkt, Direx NV, havde blokeret mig fra at få adgang til deres websteder og da du overtog handlingen, skulle handlingen have været videreført som sådan. Dette var desværre ikke tilfældet. Denne fejl falder hos dig og dit websteds administration, da oplysningerne blev videregivet, men ikke fortsatte fra din side.
Jeg henviser til (Vilkår og betingelser):
Vi kan videregive oplysninger, som du har givet os, til andre enheder inden for vores gruppe af virksomheder og til vores samarbejdspartnere. Disse selskaber omfatter vores moderselskaber, deres moderselskaber og alle de respektive selskabers datterselskaber samt andre selskaber, som vi driver forretning med og har nødvendige aftaler med. Databehandling af dine oplysninger kan foretages af virksomheden eller af en anden enhed i vores gruppe af virksomheder, som kan bruge en tredjepart til at opfylde sådanne databehandlingsbehov.
Ansatte i virksomheden, mere specifikt databeskyttelsesansvarlig, hvidvaskmedarbejder, betalings- og anti-svig-analytikere, kundesupportagenter, medlemmer af kundeopbevaringsteamet, VIP-spillerledere samt andre udvalgte medarbejdere, skal også have adgang til dine personlige oplysninger for formålet med at udføre deres opgaver og give dig assistance.
Også med hensyn til dine (vilkår og betingelser):
Frigivelse af data til tredjepart
Skulle virksomheden gennemgå ændringer i sin struktur, såsom en fusion, opkøb af en anden virksomhed eller et delvist opkøb, er det højst sandsynligt, at vores kunders personoplysninger vil indgå i salget eller overførslen.
Dama NV vidste alt om mine personlige oplysninger og erhvervede også mine personlige oplysninger fra Direx NV, som det kan ses gennem oplysningerne tilbage til 2019. Hvis mine personlige oplysninger ikke blev erhvervet gennem "overtagelsen" af Direx NV, hvordan gjorde du, Dama NV , få mine oplysninger? Driften af webstederne forblev den samme, og det eneste, der ændrede sig, var ejerskabet, der gik fra Direx NV til Dama NV
Da optegnelserne angiver, som er leveret af Dama NV, og klart viser, at mine data blev erhvervet af Dama NV i "overtagelsen", var mine oplysninger ikke blokeret på tværs af systemet, blev jeg ikke informeret af Direx NV/Dama NV om en sådan begivenhed.
Dette er det bevis, der blev bedt om af mig for at vise bevis for, at administrationen oprindeligt blokerede, men ikke fortsatte med at udføre handlingen i hele dets system. Min e-mail og personlige oplysninger blev oprindeligt blokeret under Direx NV, men det lykkedes ikke at fortsætte med at gøre det under det nye ejerskab af Dama NV
Dette er ovenstående erklæring, der blev sendt til Gunsbet og flere andre Dama NV-drevne websteder, og det svar, jeg modtog, var at kontakte DPO Dama NV, det gjorde jeg og modtog intet svar.
Det problem, jeg har, er, at Direx NV havde alle mine oplysninger på arkivet, og i henhold til de e-mails, jeg modtog, hvis jeg forsøgte at tilmelde mig til nogen websteder, blev mine oplysninger blokeret med det samme (navn, DOB, adresse osv.) Dama NV tog over, og de tillod tilmeldingen at ske, men beholdt mine oplysninger fra Direx NV og kunne give mig dem, når det blev bedt om det.
De fulgte ikke op med min anmodning, og som sådan anmoder jeg om en tilbagebetaling af midler for manglen på ansvarligt spil over for den spiller, som de havde disse oplysninger på arkivet, men som ikke fulgte op med.
Med venlig hilsen
I am writing this complaint as Gunsbet support have constantly said to contact DPO Dama N.V. which I have done and they have went silent now on the matter so now I am trying to resolve this through here.
This matter is in relation to responsible gambling not followed towards the player.
Please note.
An email that was sent and received from Dama N.V. states blocking dates were correct initially with the 2019 year. Dama N.V. have also stated they cannot help with regards to refunds as they are the Data Protection Officer and only deal with Data not in regards to funds.
A message that I wrote to Dama N.V.:
I'm contacting you in relation to the blocking dates again. In previous emails you stated that I was correct with 25.11.2019 and you confirmed as such in your emails.
This is again confirmed then by the chat transcripts and the various messages through the multiple sites that confirmed this date above and previous dates. (Screenshots can be provided)
A message to all support in this email(Sent to sites operated by Dama N.V.):
This blocking date was confirmed by the administration Direx N.V. which should have transferred/stayed the same when the take over was done by Dama N.V., you still have records as such of previous sites signed up to in 2019 as can be seen from the information that has been provided to me by you. Data retention was completed by Direx N.V. but not followed through with by Dama N.V., it may have been human error or a technical fault but the evidence is there to state that the administration at the time, Direx N.V., had blocked me from accessing their sites and when you took over the action should have been continued as such. This unfortunately was not the case. That error falls with you and your sites administration as the information was passed along but failed to continue on your end.
I refer you to (Terms and conditions):
Data Recipients
We may pass information that you have given us to other entities within our group of companies and to our business partners. These companies include our parent companies, their parent companies and all of the subsidiaries of these respective companies, as well as other companies with whom we carry out business and hold necessary agreements. Data processing of your information may be undertaken by the Company or by another entity in our group of companies, which may use a third party to fulfill such data processing needs.
Employees of the Company, more specifically Data Protection Officer, Money Laundering Officer, Payments &Anti-Fraud analysts, Customer Support agents, Customer Retention team members, VIP player managers as well as other selected employees, shall also have access to your Personal Information for the purpose of executing their duties and providing you with assistance.
Also in regards to your (terms and conditions):
Releasing Data To Third Parties
Should the Company undergo any changes to its structure such as a merger, acquisition by another company or a partial acquisition, it is most likely that our customers’ personal data will be included within the sale or transfer.
Dama N.V. knew everything about my personal information and also acquired my personal information from Direx N.V. as can be seen through the information provided back to 2019. If my personal information was not acquired through the "takeover" of Direx N.V. how did you, Dama N.V., acquire my information? The operation of the sites stayed the same and the only thing that changed was the ownership which went from Direx N.V. to Dama N.V.
As the records state, which have been provided by Dama N.V., and clearly show my Data was acquired by Dama N.V. in the "takeover" my information was not blocked across the system, I was not informed by Direx N.V./Dama N.V. of such an event.
This is the evidence that was requested of me to show proof of the administration blocking initially but failing to continue to carry out the action throughout it's system. My email and personal information was initially blocked under Direx N.V. but failed to continue to do so under the new ownership of Dama N.V.
This is the above statement that was sent to Gunsbet and several other Dama N.V. operated sites and the answer I received was contact DPO Dama N.V., I did and received no response.
The issue I have is Direx N.V. had all my information on file and as per the emails I received if I attempted to sign up to any sites my information was blocked immediately (Name, DOB, Address, etc.) Dama N.V. took over and they allowed the sign up to happen yet kept my information from Direx N.V. and could provide it to me when requested.
They did not follow through with my request and as such I am requesting a refund of funds for the lack of responsible gambling towards the player which they had that information on file but failed to follow through with.
Kind regards