Tak for det hurtige svar! Min konto blev bekræftet den 7. maj. ![file](https://static.casino.guru/pict/814823/attached-image-31698425175-1715452489385.png?imageDataId=861361×tamp=1715452490751&type=UNSPECIFIED)
Jeg spillede på en 240% Highway Bonus uden maks. udbetaling. ![file](https://static.casino.guru/pict/814826/attached-image-233461420972-1715452691541.png?imageDataId=861364×tamp=1715452692583&type=UNSPECIFIED)
Da jeg første gang indsendte den klage, sagde jeg, at jeg ikke selv var i stand til at få adgang til væddemålshistorikken for at sammenligne den med rapporten, der blev sendt til mig. Det så dog ud til at være en midlertidig fejl. Jeg har siden selv kunnet søge i historien, og jeg kan nu bevise, at de oplysninger, der vises i den historie, er forkerte.
Spilhistorikken her stemmer overens med det, der blev vist i rapporten. Der er dog en uoverensstemmelse, som jeg ikke har bemærket før. Tag et kig på kolonnen Saldo. Denne kolonne viser slutbalancen efter afslutningen af hvert spil. For eksempel, efter hånd #1864278657, den anden fra bunden, kan du se, at efter et væddemål på $25 og en gevinst på $25 på en hånd en Jacks or Better (multi-hånd), er saldoen uændret fra saldoen efter den forrige hånd . I hånden over det, efter et væddemål på $25 og en gevinst på $35, steg saldoen med $10.
Hvis du bliver ved med at følge opad derfra, kan du se, at efter næste indsats på $25 og en gevinst på $20, faldt saldoen med $5, så efter indsatsen på $50 og gevinst på $40, faldt saldoen med... en anden 5 USD.
Det er rigtigt. Ifølge væddemålshistorikken, på hånden #1864280643, efter en indsats på $50 og en gevinst på $40, faldt saldoen kun med $5, fra $10.117,53 til $10.112,53. Da denne væddemålshistorik stemmer overens med den e-mailede rapport, som jeg fik, vil du, hvis du går igennem, kunne se, at for tusindvis af hænder, var dette den ENESTE gang, at ændringen i saldo ser ud til at være forkert. Og "fejlen" fortsætter derefter, helt frem til nutiden.
Der er kun én konklusion her, der giver mening. Den faktiske indsats og gevinst fra den hånd var den samme som for den forrige hånd, en indsats på $25 og en gevinst på $20. Gennem enten en fejl eller vekslen blev disse to tal fordoblet, kun for den ene hånd. Som jeg sagde før, var dette det ENESTE væddemål på over $25, der findes i hele væddemålshistorien.
Sidste gang nogen fra Highway Casino kontaktede mig var i går morges. Det var den e-mail, hvori håndhistorikrapporten blev sendt, og hvori jeg blev beskyldt for at bryde T&C ved at satse over $25 maksimum tilladt på kortspil, som blev sendt af en i finansafdelingen. De har ikke svaret på min e-mail tilbage til dem.
Hvis denne fejl i væddemålshistorikken var en fejl, eller hvis ændringen blev foretaget af en useriøs medarbejder, der handlede alene, ville jeg forvente, at svaret fra kasinoledelsen ville være en øjeblikkelig undskyldning for fejlagtigt at beskylde mig for at bryde reglerne, genindsætte min saldo og fremskyndet betjening af eventuelle udbetalingsanmodninger.
Thank you for the swift reply! My account was verified on May 7th. ![file](https://static.casino.guru/pict/814823/attached-image-31698425175-1715452489385.png?imageDataId=861361×tamp=1715452490751&type=UNSPECIFIED)
I was playing on a 240% Highway Bonus with no max cashout. ![file](https://static.casino.guru/pict/814826/attached-image-233461420972-1715452691541.png?imageDataId=861364×tamp=1715452692583&type=UNSPECIFIED)
When I first submitted that complaint, I stated that I was unable to access the betting history myself to compare it to the report that was emailed to me. However, that appeared to be a temporary glitch. I have since been able to search the history myself, and I can now prove that the information being shown in that history is incorrect.
The betting history here does agree with what was shown in the report. However, there is a discrepancy that I did not notice before. Take a look at the Balance column. That column shows the ending balance after the conclusion of each game. For instance, after hand #1864278657, the second from the bottom, you can see that after a $25 bet and a $25 win on a hand a Jacks or Better (multi-hand), the balance is unchanged from the balance after the previous hand. In the hand above that, after a $25 bet and a $35 win, the balance increased by $10.
If you keep following upward from there, you can see that after the next bet of $25 and a win of $20, the balance went down by $5, then after the bet of $50 and win of $40, the balance decreased by... another $5.
That's right. According to the betting history, on hand #1864280643, after a wager of $50 and a win of $40, the balance only decreased by $5, from $10,117.53 to $10,112.53. Since this betting history agrees with the emailed report that I was given, if you go through you will be able to see that for thousands of hands, this was the ONLY time that the change in balance appears to be incorrect. And the "error" carries forward after that, all the way to the present.
There is only one conclusion here that makes sense. The actual wager and win from that hand were the same as for the previous hand, a $25 bet and a $20 win. Through either a glitch or alternation, those two numbers were doubled, for only that one hand. As I stated before, this was the ONLY bet of over $25 that exists in the entire betting history.
The last time anyone from Highway Casino contacted me was yesterday morning. That was the email in which the hand history report was sent and in which I was accused of breaking T&C by betting above the $25 maximum allowed on card games, which was sent by someone in the finance department. They have not replied to my email back to them.
If this error in the betting history was a glitch, or if the alteration was done by a rogue employee acting alone, then I would expect the response by casino management would be an immediate apology for falsely accusing me of breaking the rules, reinstatement of my balance, and expedited service of any withdrawal requests.
Automatisk oversættelse:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502141249/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)