Kære Pelaaja77,
Oplysningerne om din klage er blevet kontrolleret i detaljer.
Her er oplysningerne om din konto:
Den 13.09 havde du ansøgt om hævning for et beløb på 250EUR. Også den 13. september har finansafdelingen bedt dig om at indsende alle de nødvendige dokumenter til verifikation af din konto.
Fra 13.09 til 25.09 kan du ikke afslutte bekræftelsen, fordi du ikke sender de nødvendige dokumenter, nemlig skærmbilleder af dine bankkontodata.
Flere gange har økonomiafdelingen sendt dig e-mails med en anmodning om de dokumenter, som du skal fremvise for at afslutte verifikationen. Også i de e-mails, der blev sendt til dig, var der eksempler på skærmbilleder, som du skulle give.
Næsten på alle e-mails har du svaret, at du har sendt alle dokumenter og krævet hævning af midler.
Først den 26.09 blev der modtaget en e-mail fra dig af økonomiafdelingen med de nødvendige skærmbilleder af dine bankkontodata.
Efter at have tjekket dem, blev din konto verificeret, og du blev underrettet om det den 26.09 via e-mail.
Nu kan du ansøge om fortrydelse, og det vil blive behandlet af økonomiafdelingen med det samme.
Som du kan forstå ud fra ovenstående, handler vores casino altid strengt i henhold til de etablerede regler og forsøger aldrig at forsinke udbetaling af gevinster til spillere.
Venligst, hvis du har spørgsmål eller problemer, bedes du kontakte Live Chat 24/7 eller e-mail support@icebet.casino
Vi er altid glade for at hjælpe dig.
Dear Pelaaja77,
The information on your complaint has been checked in details.
Here are the details of your account:
On 13.09 you had applied for withdrawal for the amount of 250EUR. Also on the 13th of September the financial department has asked you to submit all the required documents for verification of your account.
From 13.09 till 25.09 you are not able to finish verification because you are not sending required documents, namely screenshots of your bank account data.
Several times the financial department has sent you emails with a request for the documents which you have to present in order to finish the verification. Also in the emails sent to you there were examples of screenshots which you should provide.
Almost on all emails you have answered that you have sent all the documents and demanded the withdrawal of funds.
Only on 26.09 a email was received from you by the financial department with the necessary screenshots of your bank account data.
After checking them, your account was verified and you were notified about it on 26.09 by e-mail.
Now you can apply for withdrawal and it will be processed by the financial department immediately.
As you can understand from the above, our casino always acts strictly according to the established rules and never tries to delay payment of winnings to players.
Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail support@icebet.casino
We are always happy to help you.
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