Den 10. februar deltog jeg i en turnering arrangeret af dette casino.
Men på grund af en fejl i kasinoet blev mine point ikke korrekt krediteret.
Fordi det også viste sig at være inkonsistent med spilhistorien, bad jeg kasinoet om en forklaring, men de nægtede at give mig en.
Jeg vil gerne have, at casinoet indsender en nøjagtig spilhistorik og beregner de korrekte point.
Denne klage følger nøjagtig samme mønster som en anden klage, jeg tidligere har indsendt.
Derfor er Adam, som har håndteret denne sag tidligere, den rette person til at håndtere denne sag.
On February 10, I participated in a tournament organized by this casino.
However, due to a glitch in the casino, my points were not properly credited.
Because it was found to be inconsistent with the game history as well, I asked the casino for an explanation, but they refused to give me one.
I would like the casino to submit an accurate game history and calculate the correct points.
This complaint follows the exact same pattern as another complaint I previously submitted.
Therefore, Adam, who has handled this case in the past, is the appropriate person to handle this case.
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