Kære eerivera619,
Alle oplysninger om, hvordan vi anmelder onlinekasinoer og de faktorer, der tages i betragtning i anmeldelsen, kan findes her. Lær om vores casinoanmeldelses- og vurderingsproces | Casino Guru (casinoguru-en.com) Så vidt jeg ved, har LuckyBlock Casino en meget høj sikkerhedsvurdering, men ingen fair badge, du kan se det i casinoanmeldelsen

Yderligere information om Badges for Fair og Safe Online Casinos kan findes her Badges for Fair and Safe Online Casinos | Casino Guru (casinoguru-da.com)
I hvert fald valgte du at spille på kasinoet af din egen frie vilje, ikke? Ingen tvang dig til at spille, eller sagde, at du skulle spille, vel? Du hævdede bonussen på eget initiativ, ikke? Jeg er ked af det, men jeg tror ikke, at dit arbejde eller privatliv har noget med dette at gøre, da du i sidste ende bestemmer, hvornår eller hvordan du spiller på et kasino, hvor du frivilligt har registreret dig. Hvad har kasinoet med dette at gøre? Hvis du mener, at omsætningen af en bonus er for høj, er du fri til ikke at acceptere nogen bonusser eller annullere bonussen, når du ikke ønsker at spille med den længere. Du skal forstå, at en bonus dybest set er et gratis tilbud (gratis kontanter eller gratis spins) fra casinoet, du behøver ikke at gøre krav på den, men når du gør det, skal du følge de bonusregler, der er knyttet til den bonus. .
Efter at have overvejet alle de punkter, du for nylig rejste, ser det ud til, at diskussionen bevæger sig mod en uproduktiv vej, og jeg tror ikke, det vil påvirke resultatet af denne klage.
Som jeg allerede har nævnt, forstår jeg dit perspektiv som bruger, og jeg anerkender, at situationen er mindre end ideel. Ikke desto mindre forbliver det spillerens pligt at overholde reglerne under hele spillet, indtil bonussen er fuldt omsat.
Lad mig vide, hvis der er andet, jeg kan hjælpe dig med. Men i betragtning af alle omstændighederne, bliver jeg nødt til at være enig i kasinoets beslutning.
Dear eerivera619,
All the information on how we review online casinos and the factors that are considered in the review can be found here Learn About Our Casino Review and Rating Process | Casino Guru (casinoguru-en.com) As far as I know, LuckyBlock Casino has a very high safety rating, but no fair badge, you can see it the casino review

Additional information about Badges for Fair and Safe Online Casinos can be found here Badges for Fair and Safe Online Casinos | Casino Guru (casinoguru-en.com)
Anyway, you chose to play at the casino of your own free will, correct? No one forced you to play, or told you you must play, correct? You claimed the bonus on your own initiative, right? I'm sorry, but I don't think your work or personal life has anything to do with this as ultimately you decide when or how you play at a casino where you voluntarily registered. What has the casino to do with this? If you believe the wagering of a bonus is too high, you are free to not accept any bonuses or cancel the bonus when you do not wish to play with it anymore. You need to understand that a bonus is basically a free offer (free cash or free spins) from the casino, you don't have to claim it, but when you do, you need to follow the bonus rules that are attached to that bonus.
After considering all the points you recently raised, it appears that the discussion is veering towards an unproductive path, and I don't think it will affect the outcome of this complaint.
As I already mentioned, I do understand your perspective as a user, and I acknowledge that the situation is less than ideal. Nevertheless, it remains the player's duty to comply with the rules throughout the gameplay until the bonus is fully wagered.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with. However, considering all the circumstances, I will have to agree with the casino's decision.
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