Hej alle sammen.
Håber du har det godt i dag.
Lad mig give mit bedste for at give den forklaring, der forhåbentlig vil kaste lidt lys over hele rækken af begivenheder, der dukkede op i løbet af de sidste par uger.
Udbetalingstransaktionen, der er tale om her, blev behandlet fra vores side den 22/1/2024 20:07:39 PM (EST, Casino Time), til en anmodet BTC Crypto-adresse, som "bbyjames863" opgav ved oprettelse af selve anmodningen.
Som vi forstår, var kryptoadressen til hensigt at modtage penge fra vores side, og deres endelige destination var "bbyjames863s" Cash App-pungkonto. Transaktionen er blevet bekræftet med succes og kan også findes på Blockchain-webstedet.
Desværre har deres Cash App-pung afvist transaktionen fra os og accepterede ikke pengene. Midler blev derefter "vendt tilbage" til en kryptoadresse, der tidligere blev brugt af indbetalingsårsager, og som stadig er i "afventende" tilstand, som vi taler. Så snart transaktionen er gennemført, og pengene er sikkert landet i vores tegnebog, vil vi ikke tøve og sende gevinsterne tilbage til dig i henhold til aftale.
Spilleren er mere end velkommen til at kontakte os igen, så vi alle kan komme til et arrangement, der forhåbentlig vil gavne begge parter. Vi er med andre ord åbne for en snak om at sende de nævnte gevinster for anden gang, som et tegn på velvilje og kompensation for de uheldige forhold.
Vi er virkelig kede af hele det rod, der opstod i forbindelse med din første udbetaling med Mr.O Casino. Det var ikke noget, vi havde forventet ville ske, og heller ikke noget, vi gerne ville se ske igen, og vi vil ihærdigt arbejde på at forhindre lignende situationer i fremtiden.
Med venlig hilsen,
Mr.O Casino
Hello there to all.
Hope you're doing well today.
Let me give my best to provide the explanation that will, hopefully, shed some light to the whole set of events which emerged during the last few weeks.
The Withdrawal transaction that is in question here was processed from our side on 1/22/2024 8:07:39 PM (EST, Casino Time), to a requested BTC Cryptoaddress which "bbyjames863" provided upon creating the request itself.
As per our understanding, the Cryptoaddress intended to receive funds from our side, and their final destination, was "bbyjames863's" Cash App wallet account. The transaction has been confirmed successfully, and can be found on Blockchain site as well.
Unfortunately, their Cash App wallet has declined the transaction coming from us, and did not accept the funds. Funds were then "reversed" back to an Cryptoaddress that was used previously for Depositing reasons and is still in "pending" state as we speak. As soon as the transaction is completed, and the funds have securely landed in our Wallet, we will not hestitate and send the winnings back to you as per agreement.
Player is more than welcome to reach out to us again, so that we can all come to an arrangement that will benefit both side hopefully. In other words, we are open to a talk about sending the mentioned winnings for the second time, as a sign of goodwill and compensation for the unfortunate set of circumstances.
We are truly sorry for the whole mess that occurred in regards to your first Withdrawal with Mr.O Casino. It wasn't something we've expected to happen, nor something we would like to see happening again, and will diligently work on preventing similar situations in the future.
Best regards,
Mr.O Casino
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