Hilsen alle,
Klagen er blevet genåbnet på grund af de oplysninger, vi modtog fra kasinoet:
" Hej Branislav,
undskylder ikke at svare rettidigt. Af en eller anden grund er dette link gentaget lige nu.
Så meget som jeg kan se i vores system, anmodede spilleren om annullering af udbetalingsanmodningen den 13. marts
2022. Spilleren brugte pengene bagefter på at spille spillene.
Tak for jeres samarbejde og forståelse.
Med venlig hilsen,
Mrsloty VIP "
Kære hr. Sloty Casino Team,
Tilbagetrækningsprocessen tog næsten 2 måneder uden fremskridt. Spilleren sendte os et skærmbillede om, at kontoen blev bekræftet. Hvad var årsagen til, at tilbagetrækningen tog så lang tid? Kundesupport hævdede, at tilbagetrækningen vil blive behandlet inden for 21 hverdage.
Hvis du var i stand til at finde meddelelsen om denne klage, tror jeg, at den også vil finde dig.
Greetings all,
The complaint has been reopened due to the information we received from the casino:
"Hello Branislav,
apologies for not responding timely. For some reason, this link recurred just now.
As much as I can see in our system, the player requested the cancellation of the withdrawal request on 13. March
2022. The player spent the money afterwards, playing the games.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Kind regards,
Mrsloty VIP"
Dear Mr Sloty Casino Team,
The withdrawal process took almost 2 months without any progress. The player sent us a screenshot that the account was verified. What was the reason that the withdrawal took so long? Customer Support claimed the withdrawal will be processed within 21 business days.
If you were able to find the notification about this complaint, I believe this will find you, too.
Redigeret af en Casino Guru admin
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