Jeg indsendte en anmodning om udbetaling, som blev bekræftet modtaget af Silveredge Casino den 9. juni. Den næste uge var Silveredge Casino ikke længere operationelt i min jurisdiktion, og jeg kunne ikke længere få adgang til kontoen. Jeg fik at vide, at min konto er overført til Newfunclub.
Jeg har siden fulgt op
adskillige gange med begge kasinoer, men har ikke modtaget nogen specifik information tilbage vedrørende min udbetalingsanmodning. Vedhæftet er kopier af noget relateret korrespondance fra casino.
Den eneste kommunikation, jeg har modtaget for nylig, er en automatisk generisk meddelelse, der indikerer, at saldi fra Silveredge-konti bør være tilgængelig "om kort tid" i newfunclub.
Jeg har stadig ingen information om, hvorvidt min tilbagetrækning blev godkendt eller endda nogen anerkendelse fra newfunclub om, at de behandler den.
I submitted a withdrawal request, which was confirmed received by Silveredge Casino on June 9th. The next week Silveredge Casino was no longer operational in my jurisdiction , and I could no longer access account . I was informed my account is transferred to Newfunclub.
I have since followed up
numerous times with both Casinos but have not received any specific information back regarding my withdrawal request. Attached are copies of some related correspondence from casino.
The only communication I’ve received recently is an automated generic message indicating balances from Silveredge accounts should be available "shortly" in newfunclub.
I still have no information as to whether my withdrawal was approved or even any acknowledgment from newfunclub that they are processing it.
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