Hej NineWin Team!
Vi har modtaget informationen fra spilleren om, at deres gevinster er gået tabt, og depositum er blevet refunderet. Vi anser en sådan praksis for urimelig i dette tilfælde, og her er grunden:
- Registreringsformularen har ingen mulighed, som giver spilleren mulighed for at vælge deres bopælsland.
- Der er ingen IP-blok, hvilket betyder, at spillere fra ethvert begrænset land kan oprette forbindelse og registrere sig uden problemer.
- Desuden er der ikke nogen form for check fra kasinoets side, som kan forhindre spilleren fra et begrænset område i at indbetale.
- Endelig er den eneste måde, hvorpå spilleren kan lære, hvis deres land er begrænset, at søge efter det i vilkår og betingelser, hvilket ikke er intuitivt og ikke ville være en reel situation i 99 % af tilfældene.
I betragtning af alle disse fakta, mener vi, at spilleren ikke burde have haft lov til ikke engang at registrere sig, men overhovedet at oprette forbindelse til hjemmesiden. Derfor formåede kasinoet ikke at forhindre spilleren i at indbetale, og at dømme efter alt ovenstående er vi ikke enige i, at spillerens gevinster skal konfiskeres.
Lad mig vide, hvad du synes!
Hello, NineWin Team!
We have received the information from the player that their winnings have been forfeited and deposit has been refunded. We consider such practice unfair in this case and here is why:
- The registration form does not have any option which allows the player to choose their country of residence.
- There is no IP block, which means player from every restricted country can connect and register without any problems.
- Moreover, there is not any kind of check from the casino side which could prevent the player from restricted territory from depositing.
- Finally, the only way how the player can learn if their country is restricted is to search for it in Terms and Conditions, which is not intuitive and would not be a real situation in 99% of cases.
Given all these facts, we consider that the player should not have been allowed not even to register, but to connect to the website at all. Therefore, the casino failed to prevent the player from depositing and, judging by all the above, we do not agree that player's winnings should be confiscated.
Please, let me know what you think!
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