Kære Michal,
Tak for din e-mail.
Bemærk venligst, at kunden har fået detaljerede instruktioner til, hvilken e-mailadresse anmodningen om selvudelukkelse skal sendes til, og hvordan den skal formateres korrekt. Den, han sendte, opfyldte dog ikke kravene i vores vilkår og betingelser:
3.22.3. Kunden anerkender, accepterer og accepterer, at proceduren for Selvudelukkelse med Brandet er som følger: Hvis kunden ønsker at blive Selvudelukket fra palmslots.com, skal han/hun kontakte os på følgende e-mailadresse: customercare@palmslots.com
Kundens e-mail skal indeholde følgende oplysninger:
(a) en klar anmodning, der angiver, at kunden ønsker at være fuldstændig selvudelukket (ikke delvist begrænset) på frivillig basis;
(b) varigheden af selvudelukkelsesperioden med et minimum på fireogtyve timer;
For yderligere detaljer henvises til: https://palmslots.com/pages/terms-and-conditions
Desuden blev der givet yderligere instruktioner til spilleren om at fortsætte med sin anmodning. Desværre blev der ikke modtaget noget svar fra vores side. Ikke desto mindre, vær opmærksom på, at hans konto i øjeblikket er lukket, og det vil det forblive.
Med venlig hilsen
PalmSlots Casino Team
Dear Michal,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Please note that the customer was given detailed instructions to which e-mail address the self-exclusion request should be sent and how should be properly formatted. However, the one he sent did not meet the requirements outlined in our Terms and Conditions:
3.22.3. The customer acknowledges, agrees, and accepts that the procedure for Self-Exclusion with the Brand is as follows: If the customer wants to be Self-Excluded from palmslots.com, he/she needs to contact us on the following email address: customercare@palmslots.com
The customer’s email needs to include the following information:
(a) a clear request that states that the customer wishes to be fully Self-Excluded (not partially restricted) on a voluntary basis;
(b) the duration of the period of the Self-Exclusion, with a minimum of twenty-four hours;
For further details, please refer to: https://palmslots.com/pages/terms-and-conditions
Moreover, further instructions were given to the player to proceed with his request. Unfortunately, no reply was received on our end. Nevertheless, please note that currently his account is closed and it will remain so.
PalmSlots Casino Team
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