Tak for informationen og de leverede beviser, du kunne, Pin-Up Casino Team.
Kære Merey,
Selvom jeg ikke kunne samle alle de beviser, der ville afklare situationen i sin helhed på grund af kasinoets strenge privatlivspolitik, tyder selv de oplysninger og beviser, jeg var i stand til at gennemgå, på, at du har været involveret i en modsat væddemålsstrategi, der falder ind under det hemmelige samarbejde som nævnt i casinoreglerne 7.5 og 7.6, og som allerede blev kommunikeret til dig af casinoteamet. Denne strategi blev opdaget selv af spiludbyderen.
På grund af dette er vi ikke i stand til at forfølge din klage yderligere og har intet andet valg end at afvise den.
Du er velkommen til at være uenig i denne beslutning, og hvis du ønsker at tage din klage videre, kan du kontakte casinolicensmyndigheden. Vi vil dog ikke kunne tilbyde yderligere assistance i denne sag.
Vi beklager, at vi ikke kunne være mere hjælpsomme i denne sag. Tøv ikke med at kontakte os, hvis du står over for andre problemer med dette eller ethvert andet casino i fremtiden, og vi vil gøre vores bedste for at hjælpe.
Venlig hilsen,
Casino Guru
Thank you for the information and the provided evidence you could, Pin-Up Casino Team.
Dear Merey,
While I could not gather all the evidence that would clarify the situation in its entirety due to the casino's strict privacy policy, even the information and evidence I was able to review suggest that you have been involved in an opposite betting strategy that falls under the collusion as mentioned in the casino rules 7.5 and 7.6 and as was already communicated to you by the casino team. This strategy of yours was detected even by the game provider.
Because of this, we are not able to pursue your complaint further and have no other choice than to reject it.
You are welcome to disagree with this decision, and if you wish to take your complaint further, you may contact the casino licensing authority. However, we will not be able to offer any further assistance on this matter.
We regret that we couldn't be more helpful in this case. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you face any other issues with this or any other casino in the future, and we will try our best to help.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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