Kære Gazvet2014,
Tak, fordi du kontaktede os, og vi er kede af at høre om komplikationerne med dine kort.
Først og fremmest vil vi gerne bemærke, at vi er et licenseret casino, og sikkerheden på din konto er en topprioritet for os. I henhold til afsnittet "ANTI-FRAUD POLITIK" i vores T&C'er, som du accepterede ved registreringen: "For at verificere spillerens konto kræves der dokumenter (ID, betalingssystemer, forbrugsregninger osv.) i latinsk eller kyrillisk alfabet."
Vi har gennemgået din situation grundigt og vil gerne afklare eventuelle misforståelser. Tidligere i dag kontaktede du vores supportspecialister, og de gav dig et fuldstændigt svar. I øjeblikket skal der kun bekræftes ét kort, og hvis kortet er gået tabt, skal du fremlægge et bankdokument, der bekræfter, at kortet enten er tabt eller genudstedt. Du har accepteret dette og informeret vores specialist om, at banken vil levere dokumentet inden for 48 timer.
Tak for din forståelse og hurtige samarbejde med at løse dette problem. Veronika, også tak for din hjælp.
Hvis der er andre spørgsmål, besvarer vi dem mere end gerne.
Venlig hilsen,
Playfina kasino
Dear Gazvet2014,
Thank you for reaching out to us, and we’re sorry to hear about the complications with your cards.
First of all, we’d like to note that we are a licensed casino, and the security of your account is a top priority for us. According to the "ANTI-FRAUD POLICY" section of our T&Cs, which you agreed to upon registration: "In order to verify player's account casino management require documents (ID, payment systems, utility bills еtc) in Latin or Cyrillic alphabet."
We’ve thoroughly reviewed your situation and would like to clear up any misunderstandings. Earlier today, you contacted our support specialists, and they provided you with a full response. At the moment, only one card needs to be verified, and if that card was lost, you will need to provide a bank document confirming that the card was either lost or reissued. You have agreed to this and informed our specialist that the bank will provide the document within 48 hours.
Thank you for your understanding and prompt cooperation in resolving this issue. Veronika, thank you as well for your assistance.
If there are any other questions, we are more than happy to address them.
Best regards,
Playfina Casino
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