Kære Benjamin,
Mange tak for at indsende din klage. Jeg er meget ked af at høre om din negative oplevelse. Jeg har kontrolleret de generelle vilkår og betingelser, og det var det, jeg fandt https://pokerdom.com/da/page/terms :
„Ved at registrere sig på Pokerdom.com bekræfter spilleren, at han ikke er bosiddende i De Forenede Stater, Spanien , Frankrig, Letland, Estland, Holland, Tyskland, Tyrkiet, Israel, Italien, Schweiz, Ukraine, de midlertidigt besatte territorier i Donetsk og Lugansk regioner i Ukraine samt Krim-halvøen, Storbritannien, Singapore, Danmark, Portugal, Ungarn, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Tjekkiet, Australien, Slovakiet, Belgien og ethvert af de territorier, der lovligt er forbundet med ovenstående lande. Listen over sådanne lande kan ændres af Pokerdom.com uden forudgående varsel. "
Kan du bekræfte, at du ikke har brugt et VPN (Virtual Private Network) til at ændre din placering, når du åbner kontoen? Din bekræftelse er vigtig for denne sag, og jeg beder ikke dette om at få dig i problemer, jeg prøver bare at forstå, hvordan kasinoet håndterer sine egne regler. Jeg vil gerne understrege, at "Det er ikke acceptabelt at lade spillere gamble hvis et casino ved, at de kommer fra et begrænset land" (se venligst vores Fair Gambling-koder for yderligere information https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex -for-kasinoer # begrænsede lande ).
Endelig, bedes du fortælle, hvor længe siden har du fået din gevinst tidligere? Jeg håber, at vi kan hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem så hurtigt som muligt. Ser frem til at høre fra dig.
Med venlig hilsen,
Dear Benjamin,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. I have checked general terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://pokerdom.com/en/page/terms:
„By registering at Pokerdom.com, the player confirms that he is not a resident of the United States, Spain, France, Latvia, Estonia, the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, Ukraine, the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, as well as the Crimean peninsula , Great Britain, Singapore, Denmark, Portugal, Hungary, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Czech Republic, Australia, Slovakia, Belgium and any of the territories legally associated with the above countries. The list of such countries is subject to change by Pokerdom.com without prior notice."
Could you please confirm that you haven’t used a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to alter your location, when opening the account? Your confirmation is essential for this case and I’m not asking this to get you in trouble, I’m just trying to understand how the casino handles its own rules. I would like to emphasize that "It is not acceptable to let players gamble if a casino knows that they are from a restricted country" (please check our Fair Gambling Codes for further information https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#restricted-countries).
Lastly, please advise how long ago have you been paid your winnings in the past? I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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