Jeg registrerede mig med 30 euro bonus, og den ville ikke lade mig spille nogen spil. Jeg kontaktede support, og de svarede. I henhold til vilkårene for denne bonus kan du desværre ikke spille med bonusmidler eller hæve dem. Du skal foretage en indbetaling for at vinde gevinster fra gratis spins tilbage fra din rigtige saldo. Når du omsætter bonussen fuldt ud, vil pengene automatisk blive overført til din rigtige saldo og vil være tilgængelige for udbetaling.
at give dig nogle råd! Er der andet jeg kan hjælpe dig med.
Jeg forstår ikke, hvad no deposit bonus er, som jeg skal indbetale?
I registered with the 30 euro bonus and it wouldn't let me play any games. I contacted support and they responded. Unfortunately, according to the terms of this bonus, you cannot play with bonus funds or withdraw them. You need to make a deposit in order to win back winnings from free spins from your real balance. When you fully wager the bonus, the funds will automatically be transferred to your real balance and will be available for withdrawal.
to give you some advice! Is there anything else I can be of assistance to you.
I don't understand what no deposit bonus is that I need to deposit?
Έκανα εγγραφή με το μπόνους των 30 ευρώ και δεν νε άφηνε να παίξω σε κανένα παιχνίδι. Επικοινώνησα με την υποστηριξη και μου απάντησαν
''Unfortunately, according to the terms of this bonus, you cannot play with bonus funds or withdraw them. You need to make a deposit in order to win back winnings from free spins from your real balance. When you fully wager the bonus, the funds will automatically be transferred to your real balance and will be available for withdrawal.
to give you some advice! Is there anything else I can be of assistance to you?''
Δεν καταλαβαίνω τι μπόνους χωρίς κατάθεση είναι αυτό που πρέπει να καταθέσω;