Denne side er en TOTAL FIDEL! Indbetal IKKE et beløb i den tro, at du skal AKTIVERE din konto for at hæve dine penge/gevinster. Selv deres kundeservice vil rådgive dig om, at et minimumsindskud på $58 giver dig mulighed for at hæve 100% af din kontosaldo. Det er alt sammen ét stort fupnummer.
Her er min nøjagtige oplevelse. Jeg havde vundet i alt $1000,13. Da jeg nåede $1000 kontosaldoen, dukkede en besked op på min skærm, der informerede mig om, at...som en almindelig spiller...skal jeg hæve penge fra min konto for at fortsætte med at spille. Jeg kontaktede deres kundeservice via deres online chat, og en person ved navn Loretta fortalte mig, at alt, hvad jeg skulle gøre, var at aktivere min konto med indbetalingen på $58. Bagefter kunne jeg hæve hele min saldo på $1000,13. Loretta oplyste specifikt min kontosaldo i chatsamtalen. Så...jeg brugte PayPal-muligheden til at foretage indbetalingen.
Efter min indbetaling gik jeg til kassereren for at foretage min udbetaling og var ikke særlig glad for at se et nyt gennemspilsbeløb på $3000, der var nødvendigt for at foretage en udbetaling. De tilbød også at reducere gennemspilningsbeløbet, hvis jeg henviste 10 personer. Jeg besluttede at gennemspille vers og henvise til, fordi Loretta fra kundeservice så ud til at have LØJ om tilbagetrækningskravet.
Jeg fuldførte $3000 gennemspilningen og havde samlet flere tusinde dollars. Jeg læste derefter alle deres ofte stillede spørgsmål og fandt også information om tidsrammen, der er forbundet med en udbetalingsanmodning ... er 24 til 72 timer. Så jeg anmodede om en tilbagetrækning af størstedelen af min kontosaldo ved at bruge den samme PayPal-konto, som jeg brugte til min kontoaktiveringsindbetaling. Tre dage senere, INGEN PENGE OVERFØRT! Deres kundeservice ville ikke svare på nogen af mine henvendelser via e-mail eller chat.
Som et resultat sendte jeg en e-mail med anmodning om refusion til dette sted via PayPal-platformen. Intet svar blev modtaget. Jeg har desuden bemærket, at personens navn, der er knyttet til min betaling/indbetaling, var forskelligt fra navnet på e-mailadressen. Jeg indgav derefter en klage til PayPal og ventede på, at der blev truffet en beslutning vedrørende min refusion. Husk, at der ikke blev købt nogen fysisk vare...depositummet var for en tjeneste. Denne tjeneste er aktiveringen af min konto...som ikke fandt sted, fordi jeg ikke kunne foretage en udbetaling.
Her er hvor denne SCAM bliver endnu mere udførlig. Ace of Casino indsendte derefter et UPS-sporingsnummer til PayPal, der var efter datoen for min indbetaling og før datoen for mit PayPal-krav, der indeholdt mit postnummer. PayPals system refererer kun til leveringsdatoen og postnummer, der er knyttet til sporingsnummeret.
Så jeg var nødt til at kontakte UPS for at indhente oplysningerne forbundet med sporingsnummeret (dvs. afsender, modtagernavn og adresse osv.) og videresende alle disse oplysninger til PayPal for at bevise, at sporingsnummeret var falsk. Plus, gentag det faktum, at jeg ikke købte et fysisk produkt fra Amazon...som var sporingsnummerets afsender.
Fra et lovlighedssynspunkt overtræder denne SCAM dele af Patriot Act såvel som Reco Laws. Det bruger platformene fra tre store virksomheder (dvs. PayPal, UPS og Amazon) i deres udbredelse af SCAM.
ET YDERLIGERE PUNKT før jeg er færdig. Lige nu er min IP-adresse blokeret i deres system. Dette skete kort efter, at jeg indgav kravet om refusion via PayPal. Men inden jeg blev blokeret fra at få adgang til Ace of Casinos side, lykkedes det mig at akkumulere en kontosaldo på mere end $3.400.000,00.
Hvis nogen kan hjælpe mig med at inddrive mine tre millioner fire hundrede tusinde (plus) dollars fra Ace of Casino dot Com, vil jeg være mere end glad for at betale EN MILLION DOLLAR BElønning VED MIN KVITTELSE AF DE NÆSTEN TRE OG EN HALV MILLIONER DOLLARS, DER SKULD TIL MIG!!!
This site is a TOTAL SCAM! Do NOT deposit any amount of money in the belief that you must ACTIVATE your account to withdraw your money/Winnings. Even their customer service will advise you that a minimum deposit of $58 allows you to withdraw 100% of your account balance. It is all one big scam.
Here's my exact experience. I had won a total of $1000.13. Upon reaching the $1000 account balance, a message appeared on my screen informing me a regular player...I must withdrawal money from my account to continue playing. I contacted their customer service via their on line chat, and a person named Loretta told me that all I needed to do was activate my account with the $58 deposit. Afterwards I could withdraw my entire balance of $1000.13. Loretta specifically stated my account balance in the chat conversation. So...I used the PayPal option to make the deposit.
Following my deposit, I went to the cashier to make my withdrawal and was not very pleased to see a new play through amount of $3000 needed to make a withdrawal. They also offered to reduce the play through amount if I referred 10 People. I decided to play through verses make any referrals because Loretta from customer service appeared to have LIED about the withdrawal requirement.
I successfully completed the $3000 play through and had amassed several thousands of dollars. I then read all of their FAQ answers and also found information about the time frame associated with a withdrawal request...being 24 to 72 hours. So, I requested a withdrawal of the majority of my account balance using the same PayPal Account I used for my Account Activation Deposit. Three days later, NO MONEY TRANSFERED! Their customer service would not respond to any of my inquiries made via email or chat.
As a result, I sent a demand for refund email to this place via the PayPal platform. No reply was recieved. I additionally noticed that the individual's name associated with my payment/deposit was different from the name contained within the email address. I then filed a complaint with PayPal and waited for a decision to be made regarding my refund. Keep in mind that no physical item was purchased...the deposit was for a service. That service being the Activation of my account...which did not occur because I could not make a withdrawal.
Here's where this SCAM gets even more elaborate. Ace of Casino then submitted a UPS Tracking number to PayPal that was after the date of my deposit and prior to the date of my PayPal claim that contained my zip code. PayPal's system only references the date of delivery and zip code associated with the tracking number.
So, I had to contact UPS to aquire the information associated with the tracking number (i.e. Sender, Receiver Name and Address etc.) and relay all of that information to PayPal to prove that the tracking number was bogus. Plus, reiterate the fact that I did not purchase a physical product from Amazon...who was the tracking number's Sender.
From a standpoint of legality, this SCAM violates portions of the Patriot Act as well as Reco Laws. It uses the platforms of three major companies (i.e. PayPal, UPS and Amazon) in their proliferation of the SCAM.
ONE ADDITIONAL POINT before I'm done. As of now, my IP Address is blocked in their system. This occurred shortly after I filed the claim for a refund via PayPal. But prior to being block from accessing Ace of Casino's site, I managed to accumulate an account balance of more than $3,400,000.00.
If anyone can assist me in recovering my Three Million Four Hundred Thousand (plus) Dollars from Ace of Casino dot Com, I would be more than happy to pay a ONE MILLION DOLLAR REWARD UPON MY RECEIPT OF THE ALMOST THREE AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS OWED TO ME!!!