Fik kampagnen, den havde et meget højt gennemspil og en limit udbetaling normalt, hvor du ikke kan hæve over 100, som de sagde alt, hvad de ikke satte i vilkårene var, at du ikke kan hæve bonuspenge, selvom du make it thru the playthru unheard of dette er det eneste casino, der gør det som hvad er brugen af en bonus, hvis du betaler penge for at få at vide, at du ikke kan indløse noget af det i bc. de hævder, at det er en bonus
Got the promotion it had a very high play thru and a limit cash out usually where u can't withdraw over a 100 which they said all that what they didn't put in the terms was you can't withdraw bonus money even if you make it thru the playthru unheard of this is the only casino that does that like what's the use of a bonus if you pay money to be told you can't cash any of it in bc they claim it's a bonus