Anmeldelser fra aboveaverage1204

Casino Guru

Vi giver spillere indsigt i gambling.

1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
Som udgangspunkt gode tilbud MEN!!!! Du bliver blokeret fra kasinoet uden grund efter at have vundet med begrundelsen "gambling afhængighed." Casinoet fortsætter med at tage meget tid med udbetalingen og fortæller, at du har modtaget en mail fra økonomiafdelingen, hvilket ikke er sandt. Der kom stadig penge.
  • Pengene kom efter lang tid frem og tilbage
  • Du bliver bare blokeret
Automatisk oversættelse:
Smokace Casino
1 år siden
Dear Aboveaverage1204,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Our KYC and support team is always trying to do everything possible to make players enjoy their time at our casino.

Please be advised that withdrawals are processed by the finance department within 24 hours, but withdrawal limits and the period required for this procedure may vary depending on the withdrawal method, the status of the player's account, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
The Finance Department tries to process all withdrawal requests as quickly as possible and strictly follows the established rules.
Since we value our players, and also strive to get only pleasure from playing in our casino.

Your account has been closed after all payments for your account have been made.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
2 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
Værste casino, jeg nogensinde har spillet. Jeg har prøvet at vinde min præmie i over et år. Først fik jeg hjælp fra IBAS klagekontor. Desværre er der ikke længere noget samarbejde med IBAS... Det siger det hele... De påstår ting, de ikke engang kan forklare, så de beholder pengene. HÆNDERNE VÆK!!
  • Alt i casinoet, ingen udbetaling og bare forbudt konto.
  • Dårlig support, svarer sporadisk eller slet ikke.
  • Chat hjælper dig heller ikke og må ikke give nogen information
Automatisk oversættelse:
LuckyBull Casino
2 år siden
Dear Aboveaverage1204,

Thank you for taking the time to leave this review.

We are sorry to see that your account has been closed from our side and that you needed to raise a complaint on IBAS.

We have updated our Terms and Conditions where our players have been informed that we have changed our Alternative Dispute Resolution service.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to access your account but if there is any further help that we can provide you with please do not hesitate to send us an e-mail at

Best regards
Customer experience team
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