Jeg ledte ikke efter det med vilje.
Tværtimod præsenterer kasinoet det som en af sine egne genrer.
Af denne grund brugte jeg det som en af mine muligheder for at spille.

Det gule cirklede område på billedet er pachinko/pachislot, der bruges i ulovlige kasinoer i Japan.
Sammenlignet med lovlige automater har disse automater ekstremt lave odds for at vinde jackpotten, og casinoerne kan manipulere jackpotten, men udbetalingen, når de vinder, er meget høj, og det er lettere for kyndige spillere at vinde.
Disse pachinko/pachislot maskiner administreres af en spiludbyder, der er adskilt fra casinoet, og casinoet har ikke meget kendskab til spillet, så adfærden kan virke unaturlig, men det er naturlig adfærd.
Derudover, i modsætning til typiske online slots, er japanske pachinko/pachislot designet til at bruge strategier i første omgang.
Grundprincippet i japansk pachinko/pachislot er at spille ved at bruge sådan viden, såsom eksistensen af en tilstand, hvor det er let at vinde, eller en funktion, der altid vinder efter en række misser.
Kasinoer annoncerer, at japansk pachinko/pachislot kan spilles, som om det var et egentligt kasino, og at nægte spillere muligheden for at bruge deres viden til at spille, er at ligge i reklamen i første omgang.
For eksempel, Michal, lige foran dig.
'Slots med 100 spil tilbage til at gå ind i gratis spins.'
"Slot med 200 spil tilbage til at gå ind i gratis spins."
er foran dig.
En normal spiller ville helt sikkert vælge at spille førstnævnte,
Det ville være absurd at beskrive dette som en uretfærdig fordel opnået ved strategi.
I was not looking for it intentionally.
Rather, the casino is presenting it as one of its own genres.
For this reason, I used it as one of my options for playing.

The yellow-circled area in the image is the pachinko/pachislot used in illegal casinos in Japan.
Compared to legal machines, these machines have extremely low odds of winning the jackpot, and the casinos can manipulate the jackpot, but the payout when they do win is very high, and it is easier for knowledgeable players to win.
These pachinko/pachislot machines are managed by a game provider that is separate from the casino, and the casino does not have much knowledge of the game, so the behavior may seem unnatural, but these are natural behaviors.
In addition, unlike typical online slots, Japanese pachinko/pachislot is designed to use strategies in the first place.
The basic principle of Japanese pachinko/pachislot is to play by utilizing such knowledge, such as the existence of a state in which it is easy to win, or a function that always wins after a series of misses.
Casinos advertise that Japanese pachinko/pachislot can be played as if it were an actual casino, and to deny players the ability to use their knowledge to play is to lie in the advertisement in the first place.
For example, Michal, right in front of you.
'Slots with 100 games left to go into free spins.'
"Slot with 200 games left to go into free spins."
are in front of you.
A normal player would surely choose to play the former,
It would be absurd to describe this as an unfair advantage gained by strategy.
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