Emne: Tvist med Shuffle Casino over nægtet bonus og kontobegrænsning
Beskrivelse af problemet:
Den 14. december udgav Shuffle Airdrop 2, og min tildeling var 4.036 Shuffle-tokens. I henhold til vilkårene for airdrop:
1. Kvalificerede brugere kunne gøre krav på 10 % af deres tildelte tokens.
2. KYC Level 2-brugere var berettiget til en ekstra 10% bonus på deres tildeling.
Jeg gjorde krav på mine første 10%, men bemærkede, at de ekstra 10% for KYC niveau 2 ikke var blevet tilføjet til min konto.
Samtale med support
Da jeg kontaktede Shuffle Support for at forespørge om den manglende KYC Level 2-bonus, blev jeg informeret om, at jeg ikke er berettiget til bonussen, fordi jeg er bosat i Singapore, en begrænset jurisdiktion.
1. Anerkendelse af identitet og placering:
• Ved at fuldføre KYC Level 2 gav spilleren personlige oplysninger, herunder bevis på identitet, adresse og placering. Shuffle var klar over (eller burde have været klar over), at spilleren var fra Singapore, en begrænset jurisdiktion i henhold til dens vilkår.
• At tillade indskud og væddemål på trods af at vide, at spilleren var fra et begrænset land, viser uagtsomhed eller manglende håndhævelse af deres politikker.
2. Underforstået godkendelse til at spille:
• KYC-verifikation fungerer typisk som kasinoets valideringstrin for at sikre overholdelse af regler og berettigelseskriterier.
• Godkendelse af spillerens KYC Level 2 skaber en underforstået aftale om, at spilleren er berettiget til at deltage i væddemål og kampagner, inklusive airdrop. At nægte airdrop bagefter virker inkonsekvent og uretfærdigt.
3. Tillidsbrud:
• Godkendelse af KYC, men senere begrænsning af adgangen, tyder på et tillidsbrud. Kasinoet dragede fordel af spillerens indskud, mens det ikke på forhånd håndhævede deres jurisdiktionsbegrænsninger, hvilket potentielt vildlede spilleren.
• Samlet indbetaling på platform: $15.524,19 USD.
• Samlet indsats: $535.392 USD.
• Udbetalinger: $232,45 USD (1 transaktion).
• Spillede dage: 99.
• Airdrop-tildeling: 4.036 Shuffle-tokens.
• Berettigelse: 10 % kan kræves + 10 % bonus for KYC niveau 2.
Salgsfremmende forkert fremstilling:
• Uretfærdig berigelse: Ved at tillade mig at indbetale og satse, mens jeg nægtede adgang til det lovede airdrop og dermed ikke har leveret den service, som jeg indsatte midler til, blev jeg vildledt til at satse baseret på den forståelse, at mit væddemål påvirker tildelingen af airdrop-token. hvilket de så afviste uden forudgående klar varsel.
Min KYC blev godkendt på trods af dit singaporeanske opholdssted.
• Du indsatte og satsede penge i god tro for at kvalificere dig til airdrop.
Ved at tillade dig at indbetale og satse , tillod de implicit mig at handle i god tro, forudsat at jeg er berettiget.
Overtrædelse af vilkår og betingelser:
• Hvis kasinoets vilkår siger, at spillere fra Singapore ikke må bruge deres tjenester, skulle de ikke have accepteret min indbetaling eller tilladt mig at spille i første omgang. jeg handlede i god tro, gav nøjagtige KYC-oplysninger og overtrådte ikke bevidst nogen regler. Hvis de nægter dit airdrop, skal de stadig refundere mine indskud, da situationen primært skyldes deres tilsyn under KYC.
• At nægte mig adgang uden at refundere dit depositum kan opfattes som uetisk eller endda svigagtigt.
Shuffle har tjent økonomisk på mit indskud, men har ikke givet den aftalte fordel. Dette udgør en uretfærdig berigelse, hvilket betyder, at de har modtaget penge for en tjeneste, de ikke har leveret, hvilket kunne retfærdiggøre en refusion i henhold til etisk forretningspraksis og nogle juridiske systemer.
Jeg handlede i god tro ved at give nøjagtige oplysninger under verificeringen og overholde mine processer. accepten af mine indskud og indsatser, efterfulgt af afvisningen af mit airdrop, er både uretfærdigt og i strid med fair spilleprincipper.
Subject: Dispute with Shuffle Casino Over Denied Bonus and Account Restriction
Description of the Issue:
On 14th December, Shuffle released Airdrop 2, and my allocation was 4,036 Shuffle tokens. According to the terms of the airdrop:
1. Eligible users could claim 10% of their allocated tokens.
2. KYC Level 2 users were entitled to an extra 10% bonus on their allocation.
I claimed my initial 10% but noticed that the extra 10% for KYC Level 2 had not been added to my account.
Conversation with Support
When I reached out to Shuffle Support to inquire about the missing KYC Level 2 bonus, I was informed that I am not entitled to the bonus because I am a resident of Singapore, a restricted jurisdiction.
1. Acknowledgment of Identity and Location:
• By completing KYC Level 2, the player provided personal information, including proof of identity, address, and location. Shuffle was aware (or should have been aware) that the player was from Singapore, a restricted jurisdiction under its terms.
• Allowing deposits and wagering despite knowing the player was from a restricted country demonstrates negligence or a failure to enforce their policies.
2. Implied Approval to Play:
• KYC verification typically serves as the casino’s validation step to ensure compliance with regulations and eligibility criteria.
• Approving the player’s KYC Level 2 creates an implied agreement that the player is eligible to participate in wagering and promotions, including the airdrop. Denying the airdrop afterward appears inconsistent and unfair.
3. Breach of Trust:
• Approving KYC but later restricting access suggests a breach of trust. The casino benefited from the player’s deposits while failing to enforce their jurisdictional restrictions upfront, potentially misleading the player.
• Total Deposit on Platform: $15,524.19 USD.
• Total Wagered: $535,392 USD.
• Withdrawals: $232.45 USD (1 transaction).
• Days Played: 99.
Key Details:
• Airdrop Allocation: 4,036 Shuffle tokens.
• Entitlement: 10% claimable + 10% bonus for KYC Level 2.
Promotional Misrepresentation:
• Unjust Enrichment: By allowing me to deposit and wager while denying access to the promised airdrop and thus has not provided the service for which I deposited funds, i were misled into wagering based on the understanding that my wagering affect allocation of airdrop token. which they then denied without prior clear notice.
My KYC was approved despite your Singaporean residency.
• You deposited and wagered funds in good faith to qualify for the airdrop.
By allowing you to deposit & wager , they implicitly allowed me to act in good faith, assuming i am eligible.
Violation of Terms and Conditions:
• If the casino’s terms state that players from Singapore are not allowed to use their services, they should not have accepted my deposit or allowed me to play in the first place. i acted in good faith, provided accurate KYC information, and did not knowingly violate any rules. If they refuse your airdrop, they should still refund my deposits, as the situation is primarily due to their oversight during KYC.
• Denying me access without refunding your deposit could be seen as unethical or even fraudulent.
Shuffle has gained financially from my deposit but failed to provide the agreed-upon benefit. This constitutes unjust enrichment, meaning they’ve received money for a service they haven’t provided, which could justify a refund under ethical business practices and some legal systems.
I acted in good faith by providing accurate information during verification and complying with my processes. the acceptance of my deposits and wagers, followed by the denial of my airdrop, is both unfair and inconsistent with fair gaming principles.
Automatisk oversættelse: