Kære OsoMami,
Jeg har deltaget i en samtale med casino-teamet og dykket ned i forskellige aspekter af sagen. Selvom jeg forstår casinoteamets synspunkt om, at dine gevinster, der stammer fra en bonus uden indskud, markant overstiger det typiske maksimale gevinstbeløb, som casinoer tilbyder for sådanne bonusser, og i betragtning af muligheden for en formuleringsfejl i de indledende bonusvilkår. Det er afgørende at understrege, at på det tidspunkt, hvor du opnåede dine gevinster, stod der i bonusbeskrivelsen udtrykkeligt "Ingen max udbetaling", og du overholdt alle reglerne uden nogen fejl, og det fik os til at tro, at du skulle modtage dine gevinster fuldt ud. .
På trods af efterfølgende ændringer af vilkårene forekommer det uretfærdigt at anvende disse ændringer med tilbagevirkende kraft. Jeg gjorde en indsats for at formidle vores perspektiv til casinoteamet, men de fastholdt deres position og hævdede, at du allerede har modtaget det maksimale beløb, og deres beslutning er endelig. Desværre holdt casinoteamet op med at svare på mine forespørgsler, hvilket efterlod os intet andet valg end at kategorisere denne klage som uløst.
Jeg forstår, at dette ikke er en tilfredsstillende løsning på dit problem. Faldet i vurderingen forårsaget af uafklarede klager kan dog være med til at ændre casinoets tilgang. Hvis casinoet beslutter sig for at reagere, genåbner vi klagen, og du vil blive underrettet via e-mail. Da kasinoet opererer uden en gyldig licens og ikke henviser til nogen ADR-tjeneste, er der ingen spillemyndighed at henvende sig til.
Jeg kan kun stærkt anbefale dig at vælge casinoer ud fra deres anmeldelser og vurderinger i fremtiden for at undgå situationer som denne. Jeg beklager, at vi ikke kunne være til mere hjælp ved denne lejlighed.
Med venlig hilsen,
Casino Guru
Dear OsoMami,
I've engaged in a conversation with the casino team, delving into various aspects of the matter. While I understand the casino team's standpoint that your winnings, stemming from a no-deposit bonus, significantly exceed the typical maximum win amount offered by casinos for such bonuses, and considering the possibility of a phrasing error in the initial bonus terms. It's crucial to emphasize that, at the time you gained your winnings, the bonus description explicitly stated "No Max Cash Out," and you adhered to all the rules without any wrongdoing, and that made us believe that you should receive your winnings in full.
Despite subsequent changes to the terms, retroactively applying these modifications appears unfair. I made efforts to convey our perspective to the casino team, however, they maintained their position, asserting that you've already received the maximum amount, and their decision is final. Unfortunately, the casino team ceased responding to my inquiries, leaving us with no alternative but to categorize this complaint as unresolved.
I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email. Since the casino operates without a valid license and doesn't refer to any ADR service, there is no gaming authority to turn to.
I can only strongly recommend you choose casinos by their reviews and ratings in the future to avoid situations like this. I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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