Indtil videre har ingen kontaktet mig,
Jeg sendte dig en e-mail med alle de oplysninger, jeg kunne finde om mine samtaler med Coinbase, såvel som
Slutresultatet med mine billetter åbnet med Coinbase var ingen hjælp. De sagde stort set, at da en type krypto blev sendt til en anden type kryptopung, så kunne de ikke hjælpe mig.
jeg forts. at åbne billetter for at prøve at få min situation forklaret fuldt ud til deres forståelse. Med den type problem, jeg har, var deres formular til at anmode om hjælp ret vanskelig at udfylde, som jeg havde brug for. Jeg blev bare groft ignoreret; hver billet blev straks lukket. Min første kontakt med Coinbase var gennem twitter. Jeg troede, at jeg faktisk var ved at komme et sted med dem, indtil puff de også holdt op med at reagere på mig. uden svar. ingen hjælp. havde kun 2 meget konsekvente ting at sige til mig, at tilbagetrækningen var blevet sendt fra deres side, så det var ikke længere deres ansvar, og at jeg var nødt til at kontakte modtagerne fra da af.
hvilke oplysninger manglede de e-mails, jeg sendte til dig? Jeg forstod, at du ville have mig til at dele alle de oplysninger, jeg havde, med dig, hvis jeg mangler noget, så lad mig det vide.
As of now, nobody has contacted me,
I emailed you all the information i could find on my conversations with Coinbase, as well as
The ending result with my ticket(s) opened with Coinbase, was, no help. They pretty much said since one type of crypto was sent to a different type of crypto wallet, then they couldn't help me.
I cont. to open tickets to try and get my situation explained fully to their understanding. With the type of issue, I am having, their form to request help was quite difficult to fill in the way I needed to. I was just rudely ignored; every ticket was immediately closed. My first contact with Coinbase was through twitter. I thought I was actually getting somewhere with them, until poof they just stopped responding to me as well. with no answers. no help. only had 2 very consistent things to say to me, that the withdrawal had been sent from their side, so it was no longer their responsibility, and that I needed to contact the receivers end from then on.
what information were the emails that I sent to you missing? I understood you wanted me to share with you all of the information I had, if I am missing something please let me know.
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