Kære Michal,
Vi har gennemgået klagen fra spilleren PLAYER1063091( ramona_riveros@outlook.com ).
Her er detaljerne om spillerens konto
1) Spilleren indsatte sin konto to gange fra forudbetalt kort (50000ARS+50000ARS) og én gang fra Skrill wallet (2300ARS).
Den 2023-06-27 lavede spiller PLAYER1063091 en udbetalingsanmodning på 110000ARS.
Den 2023-06-27 blev yderligere verifikation påbegyndt på spiller PLAYER1063091s konto baseret på mistænkelig aktivitet på spillerens konto.
Den yderligere verifikation blev iværksat i overensstemmelse med paragrafen i reglen:
2.4.1 Økonomiafdelingen kan forsinke behandlingen af en anmodning om tilbagetrækning på grund af yderligere verifikation.
Risk Department 2023-06-28 efter at have studeret hele væddemålshistorien for spilleren PLAYER1063091 , blev det fundet følgende:
I henhold til vores casinoregler skal en kunde tjene x3 af indbetalingsbeløbet for at kunne hæve penge.
1) Alle indskud fra spiller PLAYER1063091 blev satset i spillet MONOPOLY Big Baller med en maksimal indsats-refusion. (Handlinger blev udført med vilje for at få indbetalingen til at omsætte x3 i henhold til reglerne), hvor forskellen i væddemål og tab eller gevinster ikke oversteg 10-15 % af klientens saldo og mere end 90 % af det samlede antal klientindsatser blev lavet på denne måde.
2) Spilleren PLAYER1063091 foretog en indbetaling med et forudbetalt kort og anmodede om en udbetaling til pungen Skrill.
Vi har al mulig grund til at hævde en overtrædelse af AML-politikken, som groft overtræder projektets regler.
På baggrund af disse data besluttede kasinoets risikoafdeling, at spilleren målrettet udførte alle handlinger for at hvidvaske penge.
I henhold til reglerne for vores casino:
11. Casino forbeholder sig retten til at overvåge alle transaktioner med henblik på at forhindre hvidvaskning af penge. Endvidere forbeholder Casino sig retten til med særlig opmærksomhed og i det omfang det er muligt at undersøge baggrunden og formålet med eventuelle komplekse eller store transaktioner og alle transaktioner, der i sagens natur er særligt sandsynlige for at være relateret til hvidvaskning af penge.
Væddemålsaktivitet vil blive overvåget for uregelmæssige mønstre.
Den 2023-06-28 blev spillerkontoen PLAYER1063091 lukket uden ret til at åbne, og saldoen blev annulleret på grund af en overtrædelse af vores kasinoregler i henhold til paragrafen i reglerne:
14.6. I så fald, hvis vi skulle lukke din konto på grund af aftalt samarbejde, snyd, bedrageri, hvidvaskning af penge, andre kriminelle aktiviteter eller brud på brugsbetingelserne, som har skadet os eller enhver anden tredjepart, vil saldoen på din konto ikke være -refunderes og anses for at være fortabt.
2023-06-28 En e-mail med detaljerede oplysninger om årsagen til kontolukningen blev sendt til spilleren på hans e-mail ramona_riveros@outlook.com .
Som du kan se, blev alle handlinger i relation til spillerens konto udført strengt inden for reglerne for vores casino, som er offentligt tilgængelige og ikke skjuler sig for nogen.
Med venlig hilsen.
Smokace Casino Risikoafdeling.
Dear Michal,
We have reviewed in detail the complaint of player PLAYER1063091(ramona_riveros@outlook.com) .
Here are the details of the player's account
1) The player deposited his account twice from prepaid card(50000ARS+50000ARS) and once from Skrill wallet(2300ARS).
On 2023-06-27, player PLAYER1063091 made a withdrawal request for 110000ARS.
On 2023-06-27, additional verification was initiated on player PLAYER1063091's account based on suspicious activity in the player's account.
The additional verification was initiated in accordance with the paragraph of the rule:
2.4.1 The Finance Department may delay processing a withdrawal request due to additional verification.
Risk Department 2023-06-28 having studied the entire betting history of the player PLAYER1063091 , it was found the following:
According to our casino regulations, a customer must make x3 of the deposit amount to be able to withdraw funds.
1) All deposits of player PLAYER1063091 were wagered in the game MONOPOLY Big Baller with a maximum bet refund. (Actions were performed intentionally to make the deposit turnover x3 according to the rules), with the difference in bets and losses or winnings did not exceed 10-15% of the client's balance, and more than 90% of the total amount of client bets were made in this way.
2) The player PLAYER1063091 made a deposit with a prepaid card and requested a withdrawal to the purse Skrill.
We have every reason to assert a violation of AML policy, which grossly violates the regulations of the project.
On the basis of these data, the Risk Department of the casino decided that the player purposefully carried out all actions to launder funds.
According to the rules of our casino:
11. Casino reserves the right to monitor all transactions with a view to prevent money laundering. Furthermore, Casino reserves the right to examine with special attention, and to the extent possible, the background and purpose of any complex or large transactions and any transactions which are particularly likely, by their nature, to be related to money laundering.
Betting activity will be monitored for irregular patterns.
On 2023-06-28 player account PLAYER1063091 was closed without the right of opening and the balance was canceled due to a violation of our casino rules according to the paragraph of the rules:
14.6. In that case, if we should close your account because of collusion, cheating, fraud, money laundering, other criminal activities or breaching of the Terms of Use, which has damaged us or any other third party, the balance of Your Account will be non-refundable and deemed to be forfeited.
2023-06-28 A email with detailed information about the reason of the account closing was sent to the player on his e-mail ramona_riveros@outlook.com.
As you can see all actions in relation to the player's account were performed strictly within the rules of our casino, which are publicly available and do not hide from anyone.
Best regards.
Smokace Casino Risk Department.
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