Foretog en kryptoindbetaling den 1. det er nu den 3. stadig ikke er dukket op, har modtaget 0 e-mails med hensyn til det, og hver gang du taler med kundeservice, giver de dig script-svaret (copy paste) BS. Ingen hjælp overhovedet aner stadig ikke, om de overhovedet forsøger at løse problemet, havde en person fortalt mig, at de taler med afdelingen og burde være løst om en time, så fik en anden person til at fortælle mig, at de har prioriteret det en anden person fortæller mig, at de ikke arbejder i weekenden! Fuldstændig uprofessionel s#*&show! Uden tvivl vil jeg modtage mit indskud inden for de næste 24-48 timer, men det vil ikke blive knyttet til den bonus, jeg valgte med det, vil opdatere resultatet.
Made a crypto deposit on the 1st it's now the 3rd still has not shown up have received 0 emails in regards to it and everytime you speak to customer service they give you the script response (copy paste) BS. No help at all still have no idea if they are even trying to fix the problem, had one person tell me they are speaking with the department and should be resolved in an hour, then had another person tell me they have put it to priority to another person tell me they don't work on weekends! Complete unprofessional s#*&show! No doubt I will receive my deposit in the next 24-48h but it will not be attached with the bonus I picked with it, will update the outcome.
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