Kære Nikosnikos1312,
Mange tak for din indgivelse af denne klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om det problem, du oplever. Forstå venligst, at det er almindelig praksis for mange online casinoer at bruge neutrale firmanavne til transaktioner. Dette gøres for at beskytte dit privatliv og sikre, at dit pengeinstitut ikke identificerer transaktionen som kasinorelateret.
For at hjælpe os med at undersøge nærmere, vil du venligst sende mig den e-mail-kommunikation mellem dig og kasinoet, der førte til lukningen af din konto? Du kan sende den til mig på veronika.l@casino.guru .
Derudover må du venligst bekræfte følgende:
Har du bestået den fulde KYC-verifikation?
Hvad var saldoen på din konto, da kasinoet besluttede at lukke den?
Jeg håber, vi vil være i stand til at hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem så hurtigt som muligt. På forhånd tak for dit svar.
Venlig hilsen,
Casino Guru
Dear Nikosnikos1312,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing. Please understand that it is common practice for many online casinos to use neutral company names for transactions. This is done to protect your privacy and ensure that your financial institution does not identify the transaction as casino-related.
To help us investigate further, could you please forward me the email communication between you and the casino that led to the closure of your account? You can send it to me at veronika.l@casino.guru.
Additionally, could you kindly confirm the following:
Have you successfully passed the full KYC verification?
What was the balance in your account when the casino decided to close it?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this problem as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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