Kære Flandern,
Ved at kontrollere din konto vil vi gerne informere dig om, at blandt de tre udbetalingsanmodninger blev to annulleret og brugt. Derfor kunne vi kun behandle én af anmodningerne om tilbagetrækning.
Vi kan bekræfte, at din hævning er blevet behandlet, og pengene er sendt fra vores side den 9. december 2024. Det kan tage 3 - 5 arbejdsdage, før midlerne vises på din konto, men dette afhænger af den anvendte betalingsmetode og dine bankstandarder.
Vi kan se, at du har forsøgt en anden tilbagetrækningsanmodning, som afventer. Vi forsikrer dig om, at vi vil gøre vores bedste for at behandle din anmodning om udbetaling hurtigst muligt. Bemærk venligst, at weekender og helligdage er udelukket.
Status for din udbetaling vil blive opdateret i din saldohistorik, når den er blevet behandlet.
Derudover skal du huske på, at hvis du beslutter dig for at tilbagekalde en eksisterende afventende tilbagetrækning, vil tilbagetrækningsprocessen genoptages.
Vi håber, at dette hjælper med at afklare sagen for dig.
Vores team ønsker dig alt det bedste for dine fremtidige aktiviteter!
Venlig hilsen,
Vinyl kasino
Dear flanders,
As per checking your account we would want to inform you that among the three withdrawal request two were cancelled and used. Hence, we could only process one of the withdrawal request.
We can confirm that your withdrawal has been processed, and the money has been sent from our side on 9th of December 2024. The funds can take 3 - 5 working days to appear in your account, however, this is subject to the payment method used and your bank standards.
We can see you have attempted another withdrawal request which is pending. We assure you we will try our best to process your withdrawal request at the earliest as possible. Please note that weekends and public holidays are excluded.
The status of your withdrawal will be updated in your balance history once it has been processed.
In addition, bear in mind that in case you decide to revoke an existing pending withdrawal, the withdrawal process will recommence.
We hope this helps clarify the matter for you.
Our team wishes you all the best for your future activities!
Best regards,
Vinyl Casino
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