Hej Javiercadiz,
Jeg hedder Michal, og jeg har overtaget din klage. Jeg har gennemgået din sag, og jeg kan forstå din lille utilfredshed med de lavere udbetalinger, men casinoet betaler dig i henhold til deres udbetalingsregler og har dette nævnt i sine T&Cs

Da du har nået den maksimale udbetalingsgrænse for denne måned, kan jeg kun råde dig til at vente et par dage og derefter indsende en ny udbetalingsanmodning i den nye måned.
Igen er jeg enig med dig i, at udbetalingsgrænsen kunne være højere, men mange casinoer bruger generelt udbetalingsgrænser for at beskytte deres pengestrømme, dvs. for at undgå at skulle udbetale en stor gevinst på én gang og for at undgå at skabe problemer for virksomhedens økonomi, og som sådan accepterer vi tilbagetrækningsgrænser som en del af online gambling økosystemet.
Så langt fra min erfaring har Wazamba Casino altid udbetalt alle gevinsterne til deres spillere, og jeg har ingen grund til at tvivle på, at din sag vil være anderledes.
Jeg vil lade klagen stå åben i et par uger for at se, at du modtager dine hævninger, og senere vil vi revurdere situationen.
Hello Javiercadiz,
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and I can understand your slight dissatisfaction with the lower payouts, but the casino is paying you according to their withdrawal rules and has this mentioned in its T&Cs

As you have reached the maximum withdrawal limit for this month, I can only advise you to wait a few days and then submit a new withdrawal request in the new month.
Again, I agree with you that the withdrawal limit could be higher, but a lot of casinos generally use withdrawal limits to protect their cash flow, i.e., to avoid having to pay out a big win at once and to avoid causing issues to the company's finances, and as such, we accept withdrawal limits as a part of the online gambling ecosystem.
So far from my experience, Wazamba Casino has always paid out all the winnings to their players, and I have no reason to doubt that your case will be different.
I will leave the complaint open for a couple of weeks to see that you are receiving your withdrawals, and later we will reassess the situation.
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