Hej Lolna123 & Tomas,
Hilsen fra WestCasino!
Jeg har tjekket og kan se, at spilleren faktisk har indgivet en lignende klage direkte til kasinoet den 08/04/2024.
Dette krav blev undersøgt, og spillerens anmodning om tilbagebetaling blev afvist, da vi ikke kunne finde beviser, der understøtter spillerens påstande.
Den 08/04/2024 09:17:55 (GMT-tid) registrerede spilleren en konto hos vores service og accepterede fuldt ud kasinoets vilkår og betingelser.
Spilleren lavede to indskud, som blev brugt til at placere indsatser og tabte.
Den 08/04/2024 11:36 (GMT-tid) kontaktede spilleren vores Live Chat-support og bad om at blive blokeret. Vores Live Chat-support blokerede spillerens konto i henhold til vores interne procedure og spurgte spilleren, hvilken type blokering hun ville have. Spilleren forlod chatten uden at svare.
Den 08/04/2024 11:36 (GMT-tid) sendte spilleren også hendes krav via e-mail.
Vi har gennemgået alle oplysningerne:
- vi var ikke i stand til at finde nogen anden konto ejet eller tidligere registreret af spilleren, bortset fra den konto, der blev registreret den 08/04/2024;
- vores casino tilbyder en række af spillerbeskyttelsesværktøjer, som er direkte tilgængelige fra spillerens konto og kan indstilles til enhver tid uden at kontakte vores supportteam. Dette inkluderer at sætte grænser og endda selvudelukke kontoen. Spilleren brugte ikke nogen af disse værktøjer, som var tilgængelige for hende;
- spilleren var ikke i stand til at fremlægge bevis for tidligere at have en anden konto eller en bekræftelse på, at hun tidligere var udelukket fra vores service.
Efter spillerens e-mail blev kontoen sat til en permanent selvudelukkelse.
På grund af ovennævnte fakta skal spilleren ikke refundere.
Da jeg kan se, at spilleren har haft flere lignende krav over for andre kasinoer for samme sag, vil jeg stærkt anbefale spilleren at gøre brug af en gambling-blokeringssoftware, der forhindrer spilleren i at registrere konti hos andre tjenester - https:// www.primarycaregamblingservice.co.uk/blocking-software.
Alt det bedste,
Hello Lolna123 & Tomas,
Greetings from WestCasino!
I have checked and can see that the player has indeed filed a similar complaint directly with the casino on 08/04/2024.
This claim was investigated and the player's refund request was denied as we couldn't find any evidence backing up the player's claims.
On 08/04/2024 09:17:55 (GMT Time) the player registered an account with our service, fully accepting the casino's terms and conditions.
The player made two deposits, which were used to place bets and lost.
On 08/04/2024 11:36 (GMT Time) the player contacted our Live Chat support asking to be blocked. Our Live Chat support blocked the player's account, as per our internal procedure, and asked the player what type of block she would like. The player left the chat without responding.
On 08/04/2024 11:36 (GMT Time) the player also sent her claim by email.
We have reviewed all the information:
- we weren't able to locate any other account owned or previously registered by the player, other than the account registered on 08/04/2024;
- our casino offers a variety of player protection tools which are directly accessible from the player's account and can be set at any time without contacting our support team. This includes setting limits and even self-excluding the account. The player didn't use any of these tools available to her;
- the player wasn't able to provide any evidence of previously owning another account or a confirmation that she was excluded previously from our service.
Following the player's e-mail the account was set on a permanent self-exclusion.
Due to the facts mentioned above no refund is due to the player.
Given that I can see the player has had multiple similar claims towards other casinos for the same matter, I would highly recommend the player to make use of a gambling blocking software that will prevent the player from registering accounts with other services - https://www.primarycaregamblingservice.co.uk/blocking-software.
All the best,
Automatisk oversættelse:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502141249/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)