Problemet er, at oddsene bliver ændret fra den ene dag til den anden, uden selv at underrette personalet. Jeg talte med supportpersonale på, og de sagde, at den teoretiske rtp var 97%.
Mit største problem er, at de annoncerede et spil med en teoretisk rtp på 97%. Spiludbyderen annoncerer også en teoretisk rtp på 97%, men i sidste uge har alle spil fra denne udbyder fået reduceret deres rtp betydeligt. Deres teoretiske rtp er nu 94%. Dette faldt sammen med, at de fjernede rtp-mærket på hvert af spillene.
Hvis det ikke er en fejl i koden (som burde annullere alle betalinger og spil), er dette i bedste fald en lyssky og skum forretningspraksis.
Beklager tekstdumpen, men tak for din hjælp.
The problem is that the odds are being changed from one day to the next without even notifying staff. I talked with support staff on site, and they said the theoretical rtp was 97%.
My main problem is that they advertised a game with a theoretical rtp of 97%. The game provider also advertises a theoretical rtp of 97%, but then this last week, all of the games from that provider have had their rtp reduced significantly. Their theoretical rtp is now 94%. This coincided with them removing the rtp badge on each of the games.
If not a bug in the code(which should void all pays and plays), this is a shady and scummy business practice at best.
Sorry for the text dump, but thanks for your help.
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