Kære casinotoxic,
I tilfælde af, at der ikke gives noget svar inden for den indstillede tidsramme, forlænger vi timeren en gang mere, og casinoet har en ny chance for at kommentere i tråden. I denne tid forsøger vi at kontakte casinoet også på andre mulige måder. Hvis casinoet ikke reagerer på klagen igen, vil klagen blive lukket som uløst, og casinoets vurdering vil blive påvirket i overensstemmelse hermed på vores hjemmeside.
Efter den nævnte standardproces er sidste mulighed at kontakte spillemyndigheden, hvis casinoet er reguleret af evt.
Fra min erfaring samarbejder Wild Pharao Casino Team normalt om at løse klager. Lad os forblive positive og vente på deres svar.
Dear casinotoxic,
In case no response is given in the set time frame, we extend the timer one more time and the casino has a second chance to comment in the thread. During this time, we try to contact the casino also in other possible ways. If the casino fails to react to the complaint again, the complaint will be closed as unresolved and the casino's rating will be impacted accordingly on our website.
After the mentioned standard process, the last option is to contact the gaming authority, if the casino is regulated by any.
From my experience, Wild Pharao Casino Team usually cooperate in resolving complaints. Let's stay positive and wait for their reply.
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