Kære Ranjitanu8888 ,
Desværre var der ingen fra casinoet, der kontaktede mig angående sagen. Som standard bør sagen afsluttes som 'uafklaret'. Men da nogle ting ikke er helt tydelige fra dine skærmbilleder, vil jeg gerne bede dig om noget, før jeg lukker sagen.
Da min kollega bad dig kontakte casinoets kundesupport, men du ikke kontaktede dem eller delte de oplysninger, du fik, eller du simpelthen undgik at besvare hendes anmodning fuldstændigt, bedes du kontakte casinoet via Live Chat, som fungerer fuldt ud i deres arbejdstid ( Live chatsupport: man - lør (9.00 - 20.00 CET - oplysningerne fra deres "Kontakt os" sektion), sørg for at du tager skærmbilleder af hele kommunikationen, og del dem alle med mig.
Du kan poste skærmbilleder her, med dine svar (du kan dele dem op i flere svar, hvis det ikke er muligt at vedhæfte dem alle i 1 indlæg), eller du er velkommen til at sende dem til min e-mailadresse ( branislav.b@casino.guru ).
Ser frem til at høre fra dig.
Dear Ranjitanu8888,
Unfortunately, no one from the casino contacted me back regarding the matter. As standard, the case should be closed as 'unresolved'. However, since some things are not completely clear from your screenshots, I would like to ask you for something before I close the case.
Since my colleague asked you to contact the casino's Customer Support but you did not contact them or share the information you got or you simply avoided answering her request completely, please contact the casino via Live Chat, which is fully working during their working hours (Live chat support: Mon - Sat (9am - 8pm CET - the information from their "Contact Us" section), make sure you will take screenshots of the entire communication, and share all of them with me.
You can post screenshots here, with your replies (you can divide them into more replies if it is not possible to attach all of them in 1 post), or feel free to send them to my email address (branislav.b@casino.guru).
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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