Pludselig informerede WinTokens Casino mig om, at de fryser min konto, fordi jeg havde brugt et script.
Jeg ved ikke noget om scripts, så jeg kan ikke bruge dem, og hvad mener du med, at casinoet ikke kan tjekke dem? Vis mig venligst beviserne.
Reglerne siger også,
Hvis vi har rimelig grund til at mistænke , at du har overtrådt dem.
WinTokens Casino er registreret hos GCB.
Du siger , at webstedets domæne er troværdigt, og at dets vilkår og betingelser giver nøjagtige og gennemsigtige oplysninger til spillere ?
Så vidt vi kan se fra nedenstående e-mail, har casinoet ikke bekræftet nogen specifik begrundelse for dette, og det har heller ikke givet nogen information til os.
Brugen af scripts i pachinko-spil refererer til handlingen med at bruge programmer eller værktøjer under spillet til at udføre operationer, der afviger fra normalt spil. Disse bedømmes ud fra leverandørens interne regler, og de konkrete kriterier for bedømmelse offentliggøres ikke, men da vi tjekkede igen, fik vi at vide, at der blev brugt scripts.
Vi har fået besked fra pachinko-spiludbyderen om, at du den 1. februar brugte et script i et pachinko-spil for at opnå en uretfærdig fordel. Denne adfærd er en alvorlig overtrædelse af vores og leverandørens servicevilkår, så din konto er blevet permanent suspenderet.
Enhver svigagtig aktivitet i pachinko-spil kontrolleres af leverandøren, og vi har ikke autoritet til at undersøge pachinko-spil. Vi har dog tjekket med leverandøren flere gange.
Suddenly, WinTokens Casino informed me that they were freezing my account because I had used a script.
I don't know anything about scripts so I can't use them, and what do you mean the casino can't check them? Please show me the evidence.
The rules also state,
If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you have violated them.
WinTokens Casino is registered with the GCB.
You say the website domain is trustworthy and that its terms and conditions provide accurate and transparent information to players ?
As far as we can tell from the email below, the casino has not confirmed any specific grounds for this, nor has it provided any information to us.
The use of scripts in pachinko games refers to the act of using programs or tools during the game to perform operations that deviate from normal play. These are judged based on the supplier's internal rules, and the specific criteria for judgment are not made public, but when we checked again, we were told that scripts were being used.
We have been notified by the pachinko game provider that on February 1st, you were using a script in a pachinko game to gain an unfair advantage. This behavior is a serious violation of our and the supplier's terms of service, so your account has been permanently suspended.
Any fraudulent activity in pachinko games is checked by the supplier, and we do not have the authority to investigate pachinko games. However, we have checked with the supplier multiple times.
WinTokens Casinoから、突然、スクリプトを使ったからアカウントを凍結すると知らされました。
スクリプトなんて知識がないから使えませんし、カジノ側が確認できないってどういうことですか? 証拠を見せてください。
WinTokens CasinoはGCBに登録していて、
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