Kære Mannie1414,
Mange tak for din klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om dit problem.
Vi vil kontakte kasinoet og bede om støttende beviser, men før vi gør det, vil du venligst rådgive, hvis der, efter din bedste overbevisning, er mulighed for, at en anden fra dine familiemedlemmer eller naboer har åbnet en konto fra samme IP-adresse eller enhed som din eller bruger din e-mailadresse?
Ikke desto mindre skal du huske på, at der er en maksimal udbetaling, der vil blive anvendt på dine gratis jetongevinster. Tjek venligst følgende regel (her ):
"7.11. Almindelige regler for gratis chipbonus
Spilleren forstår, at medmindre andet er angivet i kampagnen, er spilleren forpligtet til at satse 20x værdien af enhver gratis chipbonus.
Medmindre andet er angivet i kampagnen, kan spilleren hæve minimum $/€/AUD50 og maksimalt 5x værdien af den gratis chipbonus. Spilleren forstår, at kasinoet vil rydde de overskydende midler fra brugerkontoen, efter at spilleren har fået udbetalt det maksimale udbetalingsbeløb, der er angivet i kampagnen med gratis jetoner.
Spilleren forstår, at kasinoet automatisk vil slette de overskydende midler fra brugerkontoen, efter at spilleren har fået udbetalt det maksimale udbetalingsbeløb."
Jeg håber, vi vil være i stand til at hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem så hurtigt som muligt. På forhånd tak for dit svar.
Med venlig hilsen,
Dear Mannie1414,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
We will contact the casino and ask for supporting evidence, but, before we do so, could you please advise if, to the best of your knowledge, there’s a possibility that someone else from your family members or neighbors has opened an account from the same IP address or device as yours or using your email address?
Nevertheless, please bear in mind that there is a maximum cashout that would be applied to your free chip winnings. Please check the following rule (here):
"7.11. Common Free Chip Bonus Rules
The Player understands that unless otherwise stated in the promotion, the Player is required to wager 20x the value of any free chip bonus.
Unless otherwise stated in the promotion, the Player may withdraw a minimum of $/€/AUD50 and a maximum of 5x the value of the free chip bonus. The Player understands that the Casino will clear the excess funds from the User Account after the Player is paid the maximum withdrawal amount stated in the free chip promotion.
The Player understands that the Casino will clear the excess funds automatically from the User Account after the Player is paid the maximum withdrawal amount."
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
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