Hej Petronela,
*Kan du angive den nøjagtige dato i 2022, hvor din konto oprindeligt blev lukket på grund af ludomani og kreditkortproblemet? Det var juli 2022
*Har du nogen e-mails eller dokumentation fra 2022, der bekræfter lukningen af din konto? Jeg sender det til din e-mail.
*Kan du give detaljer om de foretagne indbetalinger og det tabte beløb, efter at din konto blev genåbnet den 1. juli 2024? Jeg sender det til din e-mail, så snart jeg trækker det fra mit kreditkortudtog.
*Har du modtaget nogen meddelelse fra kasinoet, der nægter, at din konto blev lukket i 2022? Hvis ja, så del venligst disse detaljer med os. Ja, da jeg kontaktede for nylig. Jeg deler det med dig via e-mail.
*Kan du også give nogen e-mail-korrespondance, du har haft med kasinoet, vedrørende din anmodning om at lukke din konto den 1. juli 2024? Jeg sender det hele.
Tak skal du have.
Hello Petronela,
*Could you specify the exact date in 2022 when your account was initially closed due to gambling addiction and the credit card issue? It was July 2022
*Do you have any emails or documentation from 2022 confirming the closure of your account? I will send it to your email.
*Can you provide details of the deposits made and the amount lost after your account was reopened on July 1st, 2024? I will send it to your email as soon as I pull it from my credit card statement.
*Have you received any communication from the casino denying that your account was closed in 2022? If so, please share those details with us. Yes, when I contacted recently. I will share it with you by email.
*Could you also provide any email correspondence you have had with the casino regarding your request to close your account on July 1st, 2024? I will send it all.
Thank you.
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