Den sidste klage endte som uløst, fordi kasinoet ikke reagerede på casinoguruens opfordring i første omgang. Hvad tager du fejl af?
Forstår du, at ingen af sagerne er blevet løst?
Kasinoguruen har besluttet, at den beslutning er uberettiget denne gang.
Kasinoet angav overhovedet ikke i sine servicevilkår nogen specifikke forbudte strategier.
Stefan indrømmer også, at der ikke var problemer med gameplayet.
Sandheden er, at 'kasinoet begik en fejl ved at indstille spillets bidragssats, og brugerne troede fejlagtigt, at de var utro.
Du forstår, at et casino frit kan have enhver politik, det ønsker, men hvis det ikke kommunikerer det til sine brugere i form af servicevilkår, er det ugyldigt.
Stephan udtalte i hvert fald i samtalen ovenfor, at mindst $2.500 af depositum skal refunderes, og det ignorerer casinoet?
Kære Stefan
Jeg må indrømme, at jeg er forarget.
Som et resultat af din samtale med casinoet uden mig, forstår dette casino ikke noget af situationen.
Hvis man havde ladet samtalen foregå ordentligt her, var udfaldet blevet lidt bedre.
Kasinoet har ikke været i stand til at forstå situationen i fire måneder, og det ville være nytteløst at have en telefonkonference med dem nu.
Jeg vil have dig til at se på denne klage. Kasinoet fortsatte med at ignorere opkaldet fra casinoguruen én gang, og det bliver behandlet som uløst.

Men for en måned siden insisterede kasinoet pludselig: 'Vi har foretaget betalingen, og vi ønsker, at klagen skal behandles som en løsning.
I virkeligheden havde kasinoet dog ikke foretaget betalingen og indsendte transaktionshistorikken forud for indgivelsen af klagen som bevis for betaling.
Objektivt set forsøger kasinoet at rense sit navn ved at lyve.
Vi ønsker, at de bliver spurgt ordentligt til, hvorfor de gjorde dette.
The last complaint ended as unresolved because the casino did not respond to the casino guru's call in the first place. What are you mistaken about?
Do you understand that none of the cases have been solved?
The casino guru has decided that that decision is unjustified this time.
The casino did not state in its terms of service any specific prohibited strategies at all.
Stefan also admits that there were no problems with the gameplay.
The truth is that 'the casino made a mistake in setting the game contribution rate, and users mistakenly thought they were cheating.
You understand that a casino is free to have any policy it wants, but if it does not communicate it to its users in the form of terms of service, it is invalid.
At least Stephan stated in the conversation above that at least $2,500 of the deposit must be refunded, and the casino is ignoring that?
Dear Stefan
I must confess I am outraged.
As a result of your conversation with the casino without me, this casino does not understand any of the situation.
If you had let the conversation take place here properly, the outcome would have been a little better.
The casino has not been able to understand the situation for four months and it would be useless to have a conference call with them now.
I want you to look at this complaint. The casino continued to ignore the call from the casino guru once and it is being treated as unresolved.

But a month ago, the casino suddenly insisted, 'We have made the payment and we want the complaint to be treated as a resolution.
In reality, however, the casino had not made the payment, and submitted the transaction history prior to the filing of the complaint as evidence of payment.
Objectively speaking, the casino is trying to clear its name by lying.
We want them to be properly questioned as to why they did this.
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