Kære Michal,
Tak for svaret, men der er et par ting, som vi skal afklare for dig fra vores side.
For at gøre det, vil vi gerne henvise dig til vores T&C, som brugeren har accepteret ved registreringen.
3.22.3. Kunden anerkender, accepterer og accepterer, at proceduren for Selvudelukkelse med Brandet er som følger: Hvis kunden ønsker at blive Selvudelukket fra bookofcasino.net, skal han/hun kontakte os på følgende e-mailadresse: customercare@bookofcasino.net
Kundens e-mail skal indeholde følgende oplysninger:
(a) en klar anmodning, der angiver, at kunden ønsker at være fuldstændig selvudelukket (ikke delvist begrænset) på frivillig basis;
(b) varigheden af selvudelukkelsesperioden med et minimum på fireogtyve timer.
Som allerede nævnt i tråden, er der en teknisk tidsramme, der kræves for at behandle anmodningerne, og det er også vigtigt at nævne, at i perioden med afventende selvudelukkelse, tager spilleren eneansvar for enhver kontoaktivitet, også eksplicit forklaret i T&C'er.
Baseret på de oplysninger, der er nævnt ovenfor, har vi ikke bemærket, og vi er heller ikke blevet gjort opmærksomme på deres spilproblemer af brugeren, hvorfor der ikke blev truffet nogen for tidlige handlinger ved deres første kontakt med supporten.
Hun har ikke nævnt, at hun har brug for permanent kontolukning i nogen af sine chats eller e-mails, og hun har heller ikke nævnt nogen tidsramme i e-mailen, derfor blev den 30-dages selvudelukkelsesperiode anvendt som en sikkerhedsforanstaltning på grund af den manglende angivne tidsramme .
Hvis spilleren har brug for yderligere hjælp, så husk, at vi tilbyder 24/7 chat support, så der altid er nogen til at hjælpe, hvis og når det er påkrævet.
På grund af de nye oplysninger, som vi ikke havde, da spilleren indsendte deres anmodning, er eksklusionstidsrammen blevet ændret i overensstemmelse hermed.
Med venlig hilsen
BookofCasino Team
Dear Michal,
Thank you for the reply but there are a couple of things that we need to clarify for you from our side.
In order to do so, we would like to direct you to our T&C, which the user has agreed with upon registering.
3.22.3. The customer acknowledges, agrees, and accepts that the procedure for Self-Exclusion with the Brand is as follows: If the customer wants to be Self-Excluded from bookofcasino.net, he/she needs to contact us on the following email address: customercare@bookofcasino.net
The customer’s email needs to include the following information:
(a) a clear request that states that the customer wishes to be fully Self-Excluded (not partially restricted) on a voluntary basis;
(b) the duration of the period of the Self-Exclusion, with a minimum of twenty-four hours.
As already referred in the thread, there is a technical timeframe required to process the requests, and it is also important to mention that during the period of pending self-exclusion, the player takes sole responsibility for any account activity, also explicitly explained in the T&Cs.
Based on the information stated above, we have not noticed, nor have we been made aware by the user of their gambling concerns, hence no premature actions were taken upon their first contact with the support.
She has not mentioned that she needs permanent account closure in any of her chats or emails, nor has she mentioned any timeframe in the email, therefore the 30-day self-exclusion period was applied, as a precaution due to the lack of provided timeframe.
If the player needs additional assistance, please keep in mind that we offer 24/7 chat support so there is always someone to help if and when it is required.
Furthermore, due to the new information, which we did not have when the player submitted their request, the exclusion timeframe has been amended accordingly.
BookofCasino Team
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