Så vi tilbyder tilmeldingsbonusser af mange grunde, men dette forhindrer dig ikke i at modtage dine gevinster, selv fra et tilbud uden indskud. Manglende evne til at overholde vilkår og betingelser forårsager det. Jeg har angivet vores politikker om KYC-processen og hvad der kræves. Som spiller har du brug for og bør være i stand til at bekræfte og bevise din identitet for at opfylde KYC-processen. Igen, dette er for din spillers og os casinoets sikkerhed for at sikre, at navnet og adressen er legitim og ikke identitet, økonomisk eller anden form for svindel.
Det står også i vilkårene og reglerne om tilbagetrækning...
"Før en udbetalingsanmodning kan behandles, skal spilleren foretage mindst én vellykket indbetaling og fremvise deres identifikationsdokumenter (kopi af offentligt id, bevis på adresse, kopier af eventuelle brugte kort). Manipulering, forfalskning, ændring eller manglende levering bekræftelsesdokumenter inden for en rimelig tid vil føre til kontodeaktivering og annullering af gevinster." https://casinomax.com/info/terms/ [Generelle regler og forskrifter - punkt 14]
Med al respekt, så lyder det som om du ikke er bekendt med processerne på et online casino, og du ser ud til at behandle hvert trin som et personligt angreb, da vi finder måder at ikke udbetale dine gevinster på. Forstå venligst, at online-svindel er ENORMT, og derfor er sådanne protokoller på plads. Disse beskytter dig og os af de samme årsager. De anmodninger, der stilles til spillere for at validere deres konti, er ikke ud over rimeligt, de anmodede dokumenter er tilgængelige for langt de fleste voksne eller en passende erstatning (ID, bevis for adresse, kopier af eventuelle brugte kort).
Grunden til, at dit cashapp-kontoudtog blev afvist, var, at det ikke var dateret, tror jeg. For en erklæring kræver vi en dateret inden for de sidste 3 måneder, enten en kopi af en fysisk erklæring sendt til dig eller en downloadet PDF-version.
Vi driver casinoet på en troværdig og gennemsigtig måde, du tilmeldte dig casinoet og bekræftede, at du læste og forstod casinoets vilkår. Men når det kommer til at verificere din konto, ser det hele ud til at være et chok for dig, som om vi lige har informeret dig om, at vi ikke bare kan sende dig $150 uden at vide, hvem vi sender det til. Hver transaktion, der foretages inden for eller af kasinoet, skal tages i betragtning. Det er en forretning, derfor er der processer, der skal følges.
Din manglende forståelse af disse punkter synes at antyde, at de problemer, du har haft på andre grupper af kasinoer, er relateret til de samme problemer, som du ser her med CasinoMax, ikke fordi kasinoerne er svindel eller skurke, men det faktum, at du er ude af stand til fuldt ud at bekræfte, hvem du er, og hvor du bor. Som jeg siger, har alle online casinoer en KYC-proces, nogle strengere end andre. Men hvis du ikke kan bestå grundlæggende verifikation, vil jeg foreslå, at du taler med kundeserviceteamene på det casino, du spiller på, før du gør krav på en bonus uden indskud eller foretager en indbetaling.
Fra et ansvarligt spilperspektiv, hvis du ikke har midlerne til at foretage en indbetaling for at åbne op for kommunikationen med din bank, så ville jeg seriøst genoverveje din fremtid inden for hasardspil online eller endda personligt. At spille i et kasino (landbaseret) kræver, at du foretager en transaktion, før du kan spille eller vinde. Dette er i bund og grund det samme, hvilket gør at transaktionen giver os mulighed for at sende penge til dit kort. Dette bør ikke være en hindring for dig, det er en formalitet.
So we offer signup bonuses for many reasons, however this does not prevent you from receiving your winnings, even from a no deposit offer. Failure to be able to comply with the terms and conditions causes that. I've stated our policies on the KYC process and what is required. As a player, you need and should be able to confirm and prove your identity in order to satisfy the KYC process. Again, this is for the safety/security of you the player and us the casino to ensure the name and address is legitimate and not idntity, financial or any other kind of fraud.
It's also in the terms and coditions about withdrawing...
"Before any withdrawal request can be processed the Player is required to make at least one successful deposit and present their identification documents (copy of government ID, proof of address, copies of any cards used). Manipulating, falsifying, altering or failure to provide verification documents within a reasonable time will lead to account deactivation and voiding of winnings." https://casinomax.com/info/terms/ [General Rules and Regulations - Point 14]
With all due respect, it does sound like you are unfamiliar with the processes of an online casino and you seem to be treating each step as a personal attack with us finding ways to not pay out your winnings. Please understand that online fraud is HUGE, which is why such protocols are in place. These protect you and us for the very same reasons. The requests that are made of players in order to valitdate their accounts isn't beyond reasonable, the documents requested are available to the vast majority of adults, or a suitable substitute (ID, proof of address, copies of any cards used).
The reason your cashapp bank statement was declined was because it wasn't dated I believe. For a statement, we require one dated within the last 3 months, either a copy of a physical statement posted to you, or a downloaded PDF version.
We operate the casino in trustworthy and transparent way, you signed up to the casino and confirmed that you read and understood the terms of the casino. However, when it comes to verifying your account, it all seems to be a shock to you, as if we've just informed you that we can't just send you $150 without knowing who we're sending it to. Every transaction that is made within or by the casino has to be accounted for. It's a business, therefor there are processes that need to be followed.
Your lack of understanding of these points seems to suggest that the problems you've had at other groups of casinos are related to the same issues you're seeing here with CasinoMax, not because the casinos are scams or crooks but the fact that you're unable to confirm fully who you are and where you live. As I say, all online casinos have a KYC process, some stricter that others. However if you can't pass basic verification then I would suggest that you speak with the customer services teams at whatever casino you play at before claiming a no deposit bonus or making a deposit.
From a responsible gambling perspective too, if you don't have the funds to make a deposit to open up the lines of communications with your bank, then I would seriously reconsider your future in gambling online or even in person. Playing in a casino (landbased) requries you to make a transaction before being able to play or win. This is essentially the same thing, making that transaction to allow us to send money to your card. This should not be an obsticle for you, it's a formality.
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