HjemForumCasinoer1Bet Casino – generel debat

1Bet Casino – generel debat

2 år siden af HelmeHU
15.735 visninger 65 svar |
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2 år siden
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til 1Bet Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.
2 år siden

At the moment, a fairly large lawsuit is starting to unfold against 1bet Casino, however, in order to start the lawsuit, it would be essential for the casino to send me a copy of our chat conversations. In the last three weeks, I have requested copies of messages more than 10 times in total. They would be required by law to release copies of the messages. The chat says that the relevant department is working on it, but this is clearly a lie. By e-mail, the support does not respond to a single letter in the meantime.

In addition, I would have the right to know what happens to the amount on the account and what the payment method is if I want to cancel my account. I haven't heard back in three weeks. There is nothing about it in the terms of the contract. If I cancel my account, then according to the GDPR they should also delete my data, I would no longer be able to manage it, so the account will be closed and I will not be able to pay out the amount every week.

I would like to finally receive a copy of the messages and get an answer to a question not detailed in the terms of the contract

Does anyone know which authority to turn to in this regard?

2 år siden


I tried to access the site to find out where it is licensed but was not successful.

To be honest, this casino currently has a reputation 0,0 out of 10, check it here, and has solved only 1 complaint in total.

Well, it actually does not seem pretty good. Feel free to submit the complaint here.

2 år siden

I filed a complaint, but unfortunately Petronella was scammed by the casino. The casino copied a correspondence that is one day earlier than the relevant one. Nevertheless, the case was closed and not reopened. And when I want to submit a new case that 1bet has not issued the correspondence for almost a month, my complaint is deleted from the Casino Guru page.

2 år siden

Hello there,

your complaint is visible, you can find it here.

Do you have the relevant correspondence, please? If so, I guess that this is a good reason for the reopening.

2 år siden

Hello Radka,

I submitted two more cases regarding the 1bet casino, but both were deleted without any meaningful information.

Another case:

Petronella closed the case because the 1bet.com casino copied a message from the VIP account manager. However, the message is a day earlier than when I requested to close the account. In accordance with the terms of the contract, I requested the account to be closed on 1bet chat. That didn't happen. The casino abused my gambling addiction. I have requested copies of the messages on several occasions. So far, the casino refused to give a copy of the chat correspondence. They don't answer and have been banned in the meantime.

2 år siden

Hello Radka,

I submitted two more cases regarding the 1bet casino, but both were deleted without any meaningful information.

Another case:

Petronella closed the case because the 1bet.com casino copied a message from the VIP account manager. However, the message is a day earlier than when I requested to close the account. In accordance with the terms of the contract, I requested the account to be closed on 1bet chat. That didn't happen. The casino abused my gambling addiction. I have requested copies of the messages on several occasions. So far, the casino refused to give a copy of the chat correspondence. They don't answer and have been banned in the meantime.

2 år siden


I find it hard to believe. We usually do not delete complaints unless the player behaves inappropriately or the case is identical to those previously submitted.

Allow me to ask you again: Do you have the relevant correspondence, please? The first one you have mentioned several times now?

If so, I guess that this is a good reason for the reopening.

2 år siden

My lawyer wrote the following letter, to which, of course, no reply was received. We would be especially happy if the case were reopened, as 1bet seems to only respond to CasinoGuru.

Bellona NV

Attn: Management

Heelsumstraat 51 E-Commerce Park



September 28, 2022

Helmeczi / Bellona NV


On behalf of client Krisztián Helmeczi I request your attention for the following.

Client had an account at the online casino 1bet.com. This site is operated by your company and acts under the license of Antillephone NV. 

The casino made misuse of the gambling addiction of client which make him lose over HUF 100 million. 

On numerous occasions client asked copy of the chat correspondence between the casino and him. (Annex)

So far, the casino refused the give copy of the chat correspondence.

On behalf of client I hereby demand copy of the chat correspondence between the casino and client as from August 26, 2022 and today. 

We expect copy of the correspondence not later than 5 days from now.

Awaiting your reply.

Sincerely yours,

R. Bijkerk

2 år siden

I still think that you should focus on providing the missing conversation.

I'm sorry, but I'd say this is a very important piece that is still missing.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
2 år siden


After a long time, we received a copy of the correspondence. The only problem is that the mail was forged. :)

Who would have thought...

Of course, we filed a police report.

1bet.com also cheats its own lawyers.

I am attaching an excerpt from the letter sent by my lawyer.

There are many cases against them, they have damaged customers with millions of dollars. In addition, it turned out that in several cases the amount paid did not arrive directly to them, but to Chinese webshops (we have proof of it), which is a classic example of money laundering.

2 år siden


I can hardly comment on this. Trying to make a forgery is stupid and dishonest, still, it's not up to us to get involved at this level. Furthermore, nobody should play in a "casino" with a reputation of 0.

Let your cause be successful.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
2 år siden


We filed a complaint against Bellona NV. I have a very good lawyer who specializes specifically in Curacao casino scams.

There are a lot of complaints against Bellona NV, it's a wonder that sites like CasinoGuru and Askgamblers don't have all their casinos banned.

2 år siden


we can't ban any casino, because we are not an official authority, you see?

Instead, we chose to provide honest reviews, so players like you can avoid dangerous online casinos.

May I know whether you had checked the casino review, complaints, or user reviews anywhere on the net before you decided to play on such a site? 🤔

I see this precaution as more effective than suing such companies afterward. Just my point of view 🙂

2 år siden


I was thinking of this page:


Other Bellona NV casinos are listed on it, but 1bet.com is not.

Yes, I checked the casino before. Unfortunately, I only heard about Casino Guru after reading about the complaint handling.

The Hungarian-language pages were praised, but it turned out that most of them were paid PR articles. Also, I checked on Trustpilot, but in the meantime it also turned out that they pay 5 euros for positive reviews.

Before, I only played on big sites, I didn't know that there are medium-sized casinos that don't respect their own terms and conditions and even commit forgery.

2 år siden


you can try this contact.I previously reported the HOT.BET (Bellona NV) casino here.

Director Legal and iGaming Compliance.



Name:Cindy Drommond

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
2 år siden


Jeg kan se, at du også er ungarsk. Jeg læste din klage. Vi fandt en advokat på Curacao, han behandler i øjeblikket vores sag, der er også en anden ungarer, der også har samme problem som dig. Der er i øjeblikket 5 sager mod Bellona med denne advokat alene. Jeg har allerede indgivet en klage til EM group, siden er Bellonas advokat kommet.

Jeg er allerede på det stadie, hvor vi indgav en politianmeldelse på Curacao for dokumentfalsk, for selvom jeg modtog en kopi af korrespondancen, var den forfalsket på den sidste beskidte måde. Vi forsøger nu at få Zendesk (operatøren af chatplatformen) til at sige, at dette ikke er en autentisk kopi.

I øjeblikket svarer hverken VANEPS (Bellonas advokatfirma), Antillephone (de er masterlicensindehaveren) eller Curacaos myndigheder, så jeg rapporterede dem til de ungarske og maltesiske databeskyttelsesmyndigheder for 1 uge siden.

Næste runde er at indgive en anmeldelse for hvidvask, fordi beløbet i flere tilfælde ikke nåede frem til Bellona NV, men i stedet landede på kinesiske webshops, og beløbet blev hverken trukket i euro eller dollar, men i kinesiske yuan.

Hvis du tror, du kan slutte dig til os, arbejder advokaten for et succeshonorar.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


Jeg forstår din situation. tak fordi du prøver at hjælpe. jeg har dog også givet min sag til klienten, og direktøren for EM GRUP undersøger også sagen. Jeg tror, jeg vil vente på resultaterne af eksamenerne,

det er åbenlyst, at Bellona Nv. en svig og respektløs ceg. fordi psykologi bruges af spillerne. hvis du vinder rimeligt. vil gøre alt for at undgå betaling.

Hvad angår Penz Mosast, ved jeg alt om dette firma. Jeg sender dig linket til dette. som også kan være interessant for dig,


Jeg håber du kan løse din sag. Jeg ønsker dig rige fingre af succes

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


Godt nytår fuld af succes til dig også!

Er Roelof Bijkerk ikke din advokat tilfældigt?

Hvor længe har Em Group efterforsket din sag?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


Mange tak!

Roelof Bijkerk er ikke min advokat.

Den 3. oktober gav jeg min sag direkte til EM Gruppedirektøren.

Jeg er overbevist om, at jeg vil være i stand til at få mine gevinster tilbage, da casinoet for flere måneder siden annoncerede, at jeg modtog mine betalte penge tilbage. men han returnerede aldrig de penge, jeg betalte. og tog også min præmie, file her oplyste kasinoet, at det returnerede mit indskud. det er mere end 2 måneder siden. men desværre snød kasinoet mig også her. og han løj. BELLONA NV. Han returnerede aldrig de penge, han betalte. det er klart, at Bellona NV Penzmosók er svindlere og røvere.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Hello, as I am reading your conversations here, I have nothing left but to wish you much success in solving your disputes. We would definitely appreciate if you could document on the forum how your cases are progressing and what it entails. You can easily start a new thread here on the forum regarding this topic to make everything clearer. I can then your current posts there later . Good luck and keep us informed please✨

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
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