HjemForumCasinoer1xSlots Casino – generel debat

1xSlots Casino – generel debat (side 3)

 af Vanzhul
17.977 visninger 88 svar |
12 3 45

#Okay, can you share wagering requirements on max cashout limitations, please? 🙂 We may find out the bonus is not worth taking, so next time, please mind also the bonus terms. We do not aim to support blind promotions here. Mind the rules, even though they were created to instruct casino reps, they still hold handy information for "regular promoters".

Feel free to ask questions, if you need to 🙏

shame on a site, if a game gives you once, never play that game again because it doesn't give anything, just a lot of empty spins.. this site is overrated with a rating of 8/10, it's a disgusting 1/10 unplayable unscrupulous rip-off site which breaks the rules, ignores responsible gaming, does not set limits or close profiles, even if you ask and report you are having problems, a very good advice for those who have not yet registered, do not do it because no one offers a gaming experience


Good afternoon!

I'm sorry to hear that you have had a negative experience with our service. We are reaching out to you to clarify the situation, offer assistance, and provide some information about our project.

All actions at 1xSlots are conducted under license 8048/JAZ2016-083, issued by Orakum N.V., Curaçao. This license ensures that no casino can influence the outcome of your bets, the frequency of bonus rounds, or their results.

It is important to remember that any licensed casino acts as an intermediary between you and verified game providers. Slots are a vast universe with many characteristics, one of which is volatility (risk level). It is possible that you have been playing high-risk slots, which tend to produce winning combinations less frequently.

We also strictly adhere to responsible gaming guidelines. If you are having difficulty controlling your gambling, we recommend contacting our support team on our website and providing details of your situation. Our specialists will be more than happy to assist you with any issues.


The 1xSlots Team.

shame on a site, if a game gives you once, never play that game again because it doesn't give anything, just a lot of empty spins.. this site is overrated with a rating of 8/10, it's a disgusting 1/10 unplayable unscrupulous rip-off site which breaks the rules, ignores responsible gaming, does not set limits or close profiles, even if you ask and report you are having problems, a very good advice for those who have not yet registered, do not do it because no one offers a gaming experience

Hello, did you go through all that you wrote in the casino ? What is the reason if they didn't want to close your account ? When you said you had problems, what answer did you get ? 

Try to be a little more specific please. 

When I first wrote a limit on the page, I was asked to explain what was wrong with the page...he explained that the page is unplayable, the RTP is very bad for all games and I want a limit, then came the usual explanation that license providers blah blah blah... but they didn't do anything, then I looked at their financial email address, where I wrote first I want a limit, then I wrote exclusion because I play nervously, I can't control myself, but they didn't even answer anything... yesterday I also sent a complaint to their department, but I only got a system email saying that they had received it and nothing more came


I would say that they probably have to process and deal with such a request first, and then they can write you something more specific. But it shouldn't take long in my opinion because casinos should take these things seriously. 

So like I said, if you think the casino can't help you close your account, you can ask our team and file a complaint and we will try to help you. 

But that's just my idea. 

the license of this site should be revoked immediately, because it's a shame that it has a license...it's okay that sometimes it doesn't give anything, but this miserable site never gives almost anything, casinoguru staff, try it out, register as a player and play for a few days , I think you should improve the 8 grade to 0.8, there are no words for how pathetic the setting is, but it must be among the 3 worst sites on the entire internet, how dare they allow this to be done


Hmm if you have such a feeling in this casino it will be best not to try here anymore. I'm sure there are many other possibilities and if you are not doing well maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a break. I don't like to see players having similar feelings and I would prefer if everyone was winning but we know it doesn't work that way. 

Hej allesammen.

Det viser sig, at jeg vandt ved at spille på 1xslots, hvor jeg laver alle mine indbetalinger via AstroPay, og når jeg vil foretage udbetalingen, fortæller de mig, at den pung ikke længere er tilgængelig. Sådan et stort røveri gør de mod mig. Fordi den er tilgængelig for indbetaling, men ikke til udbetaling. Ifølge dem skal jeg lave en ny indbetaling fra en anden pung, spille de nye indskudte penge og tabe dem, så de validerer den nye pung som min, og så kunne de betale mig, hvad jeg tidligere vandt, en enorm absurditet. Enormt tyveri, fidus, spil ikke på 1XSLOTS, det er en hovedpine at hæve pengene.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hvor kan jeg rapportere denne platform?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, this is a pretty sad situation you've gotten yourself into. It is usually recommended to withdraw the same way you deposited, but the casino doesn't always have to have both options for withdrawing and depositing. However, if you have to choose an alternative then it would seem logical to me to just make a verification deposit of that method and the casino should pay you out normally without you having to play again. 

How much do you have to deposit and what wagering is there ?

Please let me know.


Jaro, tak for svaret. Det er ikke retfærdigt, og det er meget ond tro, at kasinoet pålægger regler og varianter altid til deres fordel, når de eksisterer takket være vores penge. Det er også selvmodsigende, for hvis de er i stand til at modtage penge uden at blinke, hvorfor har de så altid et problem med at betale dig? De bør være meget klare, før de accepterer pengene og fortælle dig "Hr. bettor, her er vi en svindler, vi skal opfinde og argumentere for mange betingelser på tidspunktet for tilbagetrækningen", så spiller en spiller ikke satser direkte, og de overlever ikke, de er for beskyttede og er meget arrogante, respektløse og uklare om alting. Et individ kan ikke gå rundt og skabe tegnebøger efter tegnebøger, bare fordi de har lyst, hvis en person skaber mange tegnebøger, så vil staten eller regeringen forfølge dem for skattespørgsmål, og det bliver personen kun udsat for, fordi kasinoet beholder deres penge. penge og opfinder tricks til at betale. Det er meget slemt. Så mange vilkår og betingelser, at de altid vil fortælle dig, at du ignorerer, men i disse vilkår og betingelser bliver forbrugerens rettigheder aldrig respekteret, når de i virkeligheden er vores medarbejdere, fordi de eksisterer og udvikler sig takket være vores penge, svar mig hvad ville der ske, hvis ingen satsede? De lukker og taber ikke? De bør gøre en masse research, før de modtager et væddemål, der tydeligt viser detaljerne om tilbagetrækningen, så du beslutter dig for, om du vil spille eller ej, og i det øjeblik tager du ansvaret for enhver fremtidig ulejlighed. Men hvis du overholder alt, der er fastsat i vilkårene og betingelserne, får du stadig ikke betalt, vi kan ikke være prisgivet, hvis nogen beslutter sig for ikke at betale dig i dag og måske ikke betaler dig i morgen, og så videre. Jeg spurgte operatøren, der hjalp mig på 1xslots, følgende: Hvis jeg opretter en ny pung som den, du fortalte mig om, foretag indbetalingen og satse igen, garanterer du min udbetaling 100 % ved at følge alle dine instruktioner til punkt og prikke? Operatøren svarede mig ikke, det er der, de afslører sig selv som svigagtige, tyve eller kalder dem, hvad du vil. At svare der ville have beroliget vandene, men jeg er ligeglad, det startede med tricks, undskyldninger og snak, det vil sige, de mister al troværdighed Jaro, er det forstået?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Of course I understand this situation well. 

So if you think the casino is just looking for excuses and not trying to help you, you have the option to lodge a complaint with us and we'll see how it goes if our team tries to help you. What do you think? Think you'd try it ? 

If so, then tap on this link. ⬅️

I believe you could be helped so that you would eventually get the money.

I swear on my life, I have never come across such a disgusting game settings page.. there is no such thing... these service providers that are here should be investigated because a service provider operating with a license does not do such a thing as to continuously return a maximum of €20 out of €100, but rather 10€ mostly..for a game with a bet of 200ft (0.5€) it goes to 80000ft (200€) before he adds the radish bonus and gives 7€..the RTP is constantly getting worse, only today I didn't play for half an hour from 100000ft At a bet of 100-200 ft.. I would bet that copied service providers or it is very much arranged not to give anything... this is a really pathetic site.. I curse the day when I registered, I can't tell you what I could do who is involved in the operation of such a site buy...well no


Good day!

There are no and cannot be guaranteed winnings in the casino, but it is safe to say that representatives of the licensed site cannot interfere with the software or "tweak" anything. Any casino that has a license is simply unable to influence the result of your bets or the frequency of bonus rounds, as well as their result. When taking part in gambling, you must be aware that this can lead to loss of funds. We cannot be held responsible for your financial damage. You are unlucky now, but everything can change at any moment, because luck is such an inconstant concept. But be that as it may, we wish you more of it, both in the casino and in life.


the 1xSlots team

I swear on my life, I have never come across such a disgusting game settings page.. there is no such thing... these service providers that are here should be investigated because a service provider operating with a license does not do such a thing as to continuously return a maximum of €20 out of €100, but rather 10€ mostly..for a game with a bet of 200ft (0.5€) it goes to 80000ft (200€) before he adds the radish bonus and gives 7€..the RTP is constantly getting worse, only today I didn't play for half an hour from 100000ft At a bet of 100-200 ft.. I would bet that copied service providers or it is very much arranged not to give anything... this is a really pathetic site.. I curse the day when I registered, I can't tell you what I could do who is involved in the operation of such a site buy...well no

Hi, I see that the main problem is the RTP and the fact that you can't seem to win much. What provider did you play the games from ? Don't you feel that maybe it would be a good idea to take a break or not to play in such a casino if something similar is not happening ? 😕

Good afternoon!

In our casino, the average RTP is 95-97%, that is, approximately 3-5% goes to the casino, and 95-97% is returned to the players. Compared to many services in the gaming environment, the RTP indicator on the 1xSlots website can be called one of the best. Yes, sometimes it is useful to change the type of game or provider in order to distract yourself, but a licensed casino does not in any way affect the outcome of the games. Perhaps you should take a break, or maybe luck is waiting next door.


the 1xSlots team

1xSlots Casino

God eftermiddag, hvis det du siger er sandt, hvordan forklarer du mig så, at i alle dine spil, i nogen af dem, genvinder jeg aldrig noget af det, jeg vædde på. I ethvert spil, fordi jeg har spillet mange af dine spil, så meget, at jeg allerede har tabt mere end en million i dit casino, hvis det er, som du siger, jeg skulle have 950.000 i min besiddelse, har jeg satset op til 50.000 i et enkelt spil når jeg får "Bonus" håber jeg i det mindste at få noget tilbage, og ved du hvor meget dine bonusser betaler? Mindre end 5% er en rigtig joke. Det er indlysende, at risikoen for at tabe er til stede, når man satser, men at gøre grin med dem, der betaler dig for sjov på den måde, er praktisk talt røveri.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg kommer for at informere dig om, at kasinoet kaldet 1XSLOTS er blevet en fidus. Jeg har haft penge på kontoen i over en måned, hvor jeg kun indbetaler gennem Astropay, og når det bliver tid til at hæve mine penge gennem den samme konto, opstår der tusindvis af gener. De afviser min anmodning om tilbagetrækning uden grund. Jeg efterlader denne erklæring, så det ikke sker for nogen andre, og de ikke falder for disse svindelnumre, da deres "politik" er at indbetale og hæve dine penge "med det samme". Jeg håber, at erklæringen er nyttig for dig, hilsener!

Automatisk oversættelse:

The thing is that the RTP value is based on the overall return of the slots. It is impossible to predict how this value is distributed among users. Some people are very lucky and get a big win, while others take a long time to get lucky. We also remind you that the casino is entertainment, which in the event of a lucky coincidence of circumstances can become a source of income, but it cannot be positioned as a service that necessarily brings profit. We can recommend you three slots with a low level of risk. According to statistics and slot settings, winnings will be more frequent, but not as big.

1. Wolf Gold from Pragmatic Play.

2. Starburst from NetEnt.

3. SharkGo from World Match.

If the game does not bring pleasure, we recommend taking a break or changing the type of game, for example, to a Live-casino. Perhaps success awaits there!


the 1xSlots team

12 3 45

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