HjemForumCasinoer50 Crowns Casino – generel debat

50 Crowns Casino – generel debat (side 4)

1 år siden af Gretche70
12.423 visninger 76 svar |
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1 år siden

Hello there, Balintm!

We understand your frustration on the matter of cash-out, however, we would like to assure you that our team is continuously working on resolving it as soon as possible. Regarding VIP level bonus, unfortunately, as we can see, your bonus rate is currently too high and due to it, we can not issue the VIP level bonus right now and as a result it has not been added automatically. According to the terms and conditions of our casino, the player is not allowed to abuse the bonus offers. Please, note that in case of abuse, Casino has the right to prohibit the player to receive or use any bonuses and to cancel any winnings received from the bonus funds, both while wagering and after it.

We have taken such actions just in order to prevent potential bonus abusing. This is not a permanent one, you will be able to receive bonuses as soon as your bonus/deposit ratio lowers. 

We hope for your understanding, and we will inform you regarding any updates as soon as we get them.

Kind Regards,

50Crowns team

1 år siden

Thanks.. on top of my terrible luck lately I seem to have an incredibly hard time receiving the money on those few occasions where I manage to win something😂

1 år siden

I honestly don't know what to say. One would assume achieving a win is hard enough... You gave it another level by struggling with the withdrawals. My fingers are crossed for you!!! 🤞🙏

50 Crowns Casino
1 år siden

Yeah I get that, but since I haven’t received the cashout in the timeframe stated in T&C, I feel like this should go both ways and it’d be a fair compensation to waive this rule only for the duration of this one bonus. It’s fine though

1 år siden


1 år siden

Got an email from 50crowns a couple hours ago that my cashout was successful and it also got changed in my casino profile from pending to successful… Not sure what this means now 😀

1 år siden

fileGot this one as well just 2 hours ago. These would imply that the money was only sent today which contradicts what you’ve been saying here on the forum. Fine by me though if it’s actually gonna arrive now

1 år siden

Hello there, Balintm!

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, and we will do our best to prevent a similar situation in the future. Our relevant department is already working on it.

We would like to inform you, that according to the latest updates, your winnings have reached the bank and should be issued to your bank account soon.

We apologize for the situation that has happened, and we hope for your understanding in this case.

Kind Regards,

50Crowns team

1 år siden

It seems you we're right. One way or another should now be a question of a few more days - I hope! 😉🙏

1 år siden

Got the money today🤘

1 år siden

Call the limo!

balintm got the money! 👌🙌👍

Nicely done, well better luck next time, I guess 😋

1 år siden

Hej, jeg indbetalte via mifinity. Nu har jeg vundet, uploadet alt til verifikation og også modtaget en e-mail om, at jeg er verificeret. Da jeg så ville udbetale, var der ingen mifinitet tilgængelig. Chatten informerede mig derefter om, at mifinity ikke ville tillade nogen udbetalinger. Ok... Og hvordan får jeg mine penge nu? Jeg skal betale via bankoverførsel. Ok... jeg indtastede alle data og ville så trække mig tilbage. Cirka en halv time senere blev min udbetaling afvist med den begrundelse, at jeg skulle bekræfte min bankkonto. Jeg uploadede så et kontoudtog.. Anmodede om udbetaling igen.. Og ja, der er ikke sket noget siden da. Der er gået 2 dage nu. Verifikationen tog omkring en halv time. Den første betaling, der blev afvist, var på omkring en halv time. Nu hvor alt er der... Der sker ikke noget længere. Og når jeg læser, hvad andre har oplevet før mig... bliver jeg virkelig skuffet

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden


Sounds like the casino should pay more attention to the current situation. 🤔

May I know whether any of those withdrawals were left pending? That would mean someone will check it, preferably from the financials.

Let me know, please.

1 år siden

Hello there, Hakuchin0!

We appreciate that fast payments are essential for gambling platforms, and we are doing all we can to ensure our clients receive quick processing of payments. However, we would like to kindly point out that certain methods may not be available depending on the geographical region, which may have been why you were not able to use Mifinity for withdrawal.

We kindly request that you provide us with more information on the withdrawal process, so we can better understand the situation and offer assistance. Alternatively, we would be more than happy to help you if you contact our support team with your request.

Kind Regards,

50Crowns team.

6 dage siden

Meget dårlig oplevelse. Jeg har ventet på min betaling i flere dage, uanset hvor ofte jeg spørger, oplyser support, at økonomiafdelingen behandler sagerne, og sagen vil blive løst. Kun problemer og ingen løsninger.

Automatisk oversættelse:
4 dage siden

Is your account fully verified at this casino, and have you had any successful withdrawals there before?

3 dage siden

Hej Romi, min konto er fuldt verificeret, men udbetalinger er ikke blevet behandlet, jeg har ventet en uge.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 dage siden

Hi there,

the delay almost meets the usual season holidays.

Well, I imagine it must be a pain, but no matter how much we would love to help, we have to give casino some time to deal with it without an intervention. It is good you are still in contact with support; keep it that way, please. If the casino fails to resolve the matter in the next full week, then our specialists will be at our service. I wish I had better news for you.

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