HjemForumCasinoerBC.Game Casino – generel debat

BC.Game Casino – generel debat (side 6)

 af Blazin9s
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Also I’m nobodies fan boy. And I have more proof of paranormal happenings than any government has ever released and more than you would want to wrap your head around. I spent 3 years in some of NSW maximum security prisons(which wasn’t to bad actually) but I also lost my father when I was 7, watched my step father drown saving his son when I was 10(that man being 1 of 2 people I ever needed saving by that I couldn’t of done for myself in the split seconds I had- funny enough he saved me from drowning and the other fella saved me after I went into a knife fight with my fist), I’ve also had many other losses & stressful happenings such as hits that the police had to inform me of after they had intercepted phone calls, 2 bitch baby mothers that have unwarrantedly made my getting to see my children grow overly difficult, a couple million in losses and the list goes on but since the start of last year I’ve had one of the most stressful & difficult times in my life. I don’t lie, I don’t exaggerate & I would not fabricate. So seeing the strange change of this reality/world/existence has been pretty heavy


Sorry to hear life has been so tough man. I for one have not gone through any of the things you have but have not had an easy path myself. Struggles are struggles tho and once you go through enough youd have to have some severe mental disorder to not feel for anybody else that has had it rough. I can relate and feel that strife much more than most. I will say nothing more on our debate and just say I wish things get better for you in the near future. I hope you find yourself in a place where you are content and happy. If you do dont take it for granted and if that moment comes may it smack some the degen right out of you so that you can break the degen cycle that so few rarely seem to escape. I know I havent yet. Fingers crossed for us both then, I guess. Cheers bruv and if you get that fat paycheck should I leave my LTC addie here or..........lol.


Bro ... du gik igennem alt det ... dette er ingenting ... men ... jeg håber det er løst, jeg vil give dig nogle oplysninger


se på det med dette det burde give dig hvis dit emne blev manipuleret... hilsener

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey grantbett22,

do you have any other ways how to get a reply from authority there. I’m facing a big problem that proves only how flippant and unfair the gambling industry in curaçao works ?

Best regards,


Dette er nok den bedste, jeg har prøvet indtil videre. Hvis du leder efter en fantastisk online casino oplevelse, kan jeg varmt anbefale Spaceman Gaming. Med en bred vifte af spændende spil, fantastisk grafik og fremragende bonustilbud er dette casino et enestående valg for entusiastiske spillere. Derudover tilbyder rummandsspillet en sikker og pålidelig platform, der sikrer beskyttelsen af dine personlige og økonomiske data.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey mate

whats your issue?

I don’t think you’ll have much luck. It seems the whole island is corrupt. I tried all the channels I could think of. Wrote to master licenses, gaming control board, the governor Lucille- the kabinet. I wrote everywhere I reckon. Probably made myself look silly but I had to try get their attention. Not that it worked.

Ive been reasonable, considering.. but life has never been easy & I’m not someone who will let this go, nor am I an idiot. I was hoping to save myself or family & Curacao any unnecessary problems. But now I wait for court & hopefully don’t get put in a spot with no options remaining

i submitted all documents but they locked my account permanently as i was not doing any fraud or illegal activity how can I unlock my account



After you submitted your documents there is usually KYC (Know your customer) process, however they shouldn't lock your account permanently unless you breached their terms, 

We are currently awaiting response from you at your complaint.


Do let us know


I did not breached any rule as my brother send me tip but after one day they locked my account


They’re full on scams mate don’t trust them at all. I can almost guarantee we are in a matrix type system, AI is rampant.

i don’t like to speak empty words. I don’t tell fabricated truths. I try to say exactly what I mean and I try not to say anything if I don’t mean to follow through on my word.

My word, if my dispute isn’t resolved they’ll be hurting themselves and every other companies business amongst their organisation. They won’t believe it till they’re confronted with it.

im so over the corruption in this world we’re experiencing.


Can I get my account back or not or how could I approach to them


You shouldn’t approach them is what I’d say. Find somewhere that’s not licensed by Curacao island. Have a look around.


Hey Radka, I see you removed the link this supposed neutral, unbiased "player" added to their post here. I am curious why you didnt delete this whole post for numerous reasons. A. Completely shameful plug for some random casino that has no affiliation, relevance, or importance to this BC.GAME discussion. B. I am going to go out on a limb and say this is not even a human and is in fact a bot spamming some site I definitely have never heard of before. It is 100% spam, so unless this bot magically puts a perfectly cooked order of Loco Moko in front of me before I press send its even worse spam than the canned meat product.

Im not sure if there are a ton of people on here that like making things interesting by making some friendly wagers here and there but Id put the whole house, all the cars, my first born child, my wife and her whole family on the fact that this user posted this identical post more tban once on this site. I am honestly making an assumption here as I clicked a link from an email that brought me straight to this spot and I have been here since clicking that link. If my guess is right that this is a bot then its guaranteed that it probably plastered this site spam for, "Spaceman gaming". I bet admin is already privy to that fact by now too. Tell me im right, please? My intuition is stronger than Peter Parkers spidey sense and its saying to me, "Spaceman spam bot!"

So lets take out the trash and delete this distracting eye sore if you please. I would appreciate it and im sure I would get a second on that motion at least. Im just shocked that you removed the link but then left his post. Neither belong in this discussion and probably doesnt belong on the whole site but I cant speak for the entire site but I know this post shouldnt be here.


If you want the similar casino games and experience without all the bs that BC has been conjuring up with the site and many of the players then go play at stake.com. They have much more of a corporate feel versus BC but I will say that stake is the only casino out of so many casinos ive played that all claim "instant withdrawals" but stake straight up is instant. I mean regardless of the size of your withdrawal or coin you click the withdrawal button and 2 seconds later its on the blockchain already. Stakes bonus system was always much more generous than BCs but these days its laughable to even make a comparison on bonuses or vip perks. One site actually has both those things still and one site does not. Ill let you do the math there. There are other crypto sites other than stake that arent too bad tho. Its worth taking a look.


Hey there,

I do not have the option to see the future so, I intend to give players a chance by removing the affiliate link. The brightest acknowledges this won't be tolerated and stops posting such links. And sometimes, they visit the forum again and act normally - even providing a handful of tips from time to time. That's my experience.

Honestly, by removing the active link, I removed the redirection, what's left is just a post. I do not see anything so harmful about it now. The post was also rewarded by like - in such case, I prefer to leave the post if possible.

If you have a personal bad experience with this Spacemen Gaming, create your own thread and share it.

Stay well and warm greetings to Iceland! Was my best-ever traveling experience by the way.

Can I get my account back or not or how could I approach to them

This should be discussed with the casino, I'd say. You see, this is a forum, not the official casino channel. 🙁

Sometimes the account gets locked because of the ongoing verification, I feel it may be the reason here. Anyway, you've already submitted the complaint, so you've made a good step toward resolution. Just keep the complaint up to date, please, so the complaint handler will do their best to clarify the problem and provide a solution or support.

Could you help me understand this part, please?

"my brother has a seperate account and I also have an account on bc game he send me some tip from his account"

I just want to make sure this is not against the rules. Usually, casinos allow one account per IP/household, and in the case of welcome bonuses just one no deposit bonus per IP/account.

We do not recognize that as a fair approach since it's normal that relatives may play in the same casino without you knowing. Or one family uses the same Wi-Fi connection.

I hope the complaint will help find the issue - this is the first step to the solution.

Keep us posted.


God eftermiddag, siden den 23/06 er min konto i kyc-sikkerhedstilstand, og al den nødvendige dokumentation er blevet sendt, alle de procedurer, der kræves af bcgames-support, er blevet udført, og indtil nu er min konto ikke blevet frigivet.

Jeg ville gerne vide, om der er behov for andre dokumenter eller andre procedurer for at frigive min konto?

Jeg har intet svar fra live support, og ikke engang et e-mail-svar er blevet sendt til min e-mail for yderligere information endnu.

Fortæl mig venligst, hvad der sker! Taknemmelig

Automatisk oversættelse:

Good day to you.

I'm sorry to hear about your issues. Well, sadly - no one can answer you with certainty only the casino employee can. I'm convinced the chances of getting a direct response here are pretty low, however.

The casino should definitely make it clear to you avoiding unnecessary delays, I wish I could be of further help, but without the casino's response, options are quite limited.

Is it possible that by any chance some sort of communication was lost in the spam folder or is somehow hidden in your email?

At the moment, I feel like Iam out of any good suggestions, because even if you submit a complaint (a free feature offered to players here on Casino Guru) you'll need to wait approximately another week for an update. We allow casinos 14 full days If it is KYC because it is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments can complete the verification procedures. So, I fear you need to wait a bit.

Keep us posted if anything changes, please.


I want to complain against bc game , as my withdrawal showing completed but I have not received money , I have sent my bank statement, talked with my bank manager, bc game provided me some fake transaction details ,then I checked with my bank no such transaction is made in my account , it was 43500 inr withdrawal, I don't know what to do


Oh, that sounds serious!

Luckily, you managed to submit a complaint, thus, I'm convinced you will be taken care of. Just stay calm and cooperate with us, please.

Have you updated the casino with your bank's statement? Are they sure about the transaction?

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