HjemForumCasinoerBet24-7 Casino – generel debat

Bet24-7 Casino – generel debat (side 3)

 af Tillykke
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i try to find this in rules but i did not 🙂 you can ask on chat about this rules 😉


Ingen reaktion, passiv regulator


Automatisk oversættelse:

Hmm I noticed that the casino didn't respond to your complaint, which I'm sorry about and that's why it was closed. However, Peter advised you to take your complaint to the authority. Do you think you'll go for it? 

I've got exactly the same problem.

Withdrawal is pending since 13 days, the support told my im verificated and they cant contact the financial department.

The finance@ e-Mail Adress didn't answered any E-Mails.

The support isn't answering now since a week too.

Absolute scam-Casino...

Hi, I hate to see posts like this. I think it's been quite a long time since you've waited for your withdrawal, and it's certainly not comfortable if the casino doesn't know how to respond to you.

I suppose it's a good thing you filed a complaint and we'll see if you're more lucky and the casino will take a proper attitude. I'd be happy if they did. 

Anyway, all we can do is wait and if you hear anything new, don't hesitate to let us know. I'll be waiting. 

Jeg har endelig fået mine penge! De skrev, at de havde tekniske problemer!

Automatisk oversættelse:

How long did you wait for your moneys, what payment method did you use and What did they text you when they finally completed your withdraw?

I have waited for bank withdraw for 27 days now and I have still not been able to get one single Update from their finance department even though I sent alot of mails to them..

And as you all know, the chat supporters can’t help with anything..

Really hope to get my withdraw completed soon 🙏🏻

Jeg ventede præcis 20 dage. Jeg hævede penge til en kryptokonto. Jeg har heller ikke modtaget nogen breve med posten i løbet af disse 20 dage. Men i går modtog jeg endelig midlerne og et brev, der forklarede, at de havde tekniske problemer.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg har endelig fået mine penge! De skrev, at de havde tekniske problemer!

Automatisk oversættelse:


May I ask you kindly to write a user review containing this time frame and the resolution, please? I think it would be a good step to take because the original one was truly out of date.

I must say that twenty days is rather an extreme 🙁

But of course, I'm glad for the good news!

Same experience here. Waiting already for 13 days on a credit card withdraw.

No answer to my e-mails, and the chat support can't do anything.

@Casino.Guru, you really should state that somewhere because it's clearly scam, there are no "technical issues" that's just the strategy maxed out. So players maybe throw away their winnings...


Automatisk oversættelse:

My dear friend 🙂 Casino guru earning money on you lost when you register via reflink on this site 🙂 they say this is normal practice waiting for money 30 days 😉 i can teach you how to use this kind site (site like casino guru) if you want 🙂 casino guru was on sigma europe sponsored by gambling business and they are certificated by gpwa, site where you can read how casino guru really works 🙂 if the say "we help a lot people get they withdraw" ask them "ooo great and how much money you earn on people lost to casino?" 🙂 its is like Lotto commercial in Poland when Lewandowski say "Lotto help people bulding skatepark, field etc." 😉 this is just marketing trick my friend 😉

Same experience here. Waiting already for 13 days on a credit card withdraw.

No answer to my e-mails, and the chat support can't do anything.

@Casino.Guru, you really should state that somewhere because it's clearly scam, there are no "technical issues" that's just the strategy maxed out. So players maybe throw away their winnings...

Hi, I'm sorry for the situation you've got yourself into, but I see you've managed to file a complaint. Waiting for 13 days is quite a lot and even worse if the casino support is not helpful at all. According to what you wrote they told you that they have technical problems with withdrawals ? 

However, nothing is lost and our team will try to help you as we give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal process.

Anyway it would be possible to give us an update if something changes.

My dear friend 🙂 Casino guru earning money on you lost when you register via reflink on this site 🙂 they say this is normal practice waiting for money 30 days 😉 i can teach you how to use this kind site (site like casino guru) if you want 🙂 casino guru was on sigma europe sponsored by gambling business and they are certificated by gpwa, site where you can read how casino guru really works 🙂 if the say "we help a lot people get they withdraw" ask them "ooo great and how much money you earn on people lost to casino?" 🙂 its is like Lotto commercial in Poland when Lewandowski say "Lotto help people bulding skatepark, field etc." 😉 this is just marketing trick my friend 😉

I'd like to know where you got that it's okay and we also say that the casino has 30 days to pay. However, I would also like to add that we warn players that the casino has an advantage over them and that they will eventually lose their money. This means that we do not advise players to go to the casino to play. 


well i have some post on this forum you can read answer you friend Radka what she think about 30 days delay withdraw and why this is ok for us, the customers and whyt this is normal 😉 And i want to add that you must warn players that the casino has an advantage over them because this is the law 🙂 you must warn players about gambling consequence 😉 all gambling site have this kind info ;p or... site earning money on gambling must have this kind info 🙂 if there is no info you can get penalty 🙂


Every situation is different and sometimes, unfortunately, it is not in our power to do more. Radka is of course an admin on the forum so she speaks from experience with other players, but I don't think she is saying that it's ok to wait 30 days for a casino withdrawal. It's a long time and we always recommend an immediate complaint if one comes in. That's about it.  


yes every situation is different thats why Radka answer is always the same 🙂 she convince people this is KYC politics and this is normal 🙂 no bookies with EU license have shit kind rules (illegal in EU 😉) and on Curacao KYC not exist 😉 this is just business 🙂 like Sigma Europe is just business sponsored by bookies or GPWA sponsored by bookies/casinos 😉


I think you do not know me so well to be able to actually speak on my behalf. 🙂 Your ideas, tendencies, and any other constructs you build here are more or less focused on the very same point.

Like this part about SiGMA for instance. You know, when you want to see the world in black, you'll always find a way. But we all knew that things are not just black or white, legal or illegal, right?

Do I have to tell you again that we deal with fairness here? So no, in a causal situation, it is not okay to let the player wait 30 days for regularly gained winnings.

But this is not the debate we had before. Nor do we aim to repeat that again.

Do you have something to say, or have you just woken up to tease me here for some reason again? Because this is a forum, we are not sitting in the cafe chatting.

Start acting reasonably. If you can't post non-personal posts with valid information for this community, you're just wasting time. Clear?


Kasinoet tog mine gevinster på €84.000 væk!!

Spil på eget ansvar!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I'm sorry you got into such a situation. What happened when the casino doesn't want to pay you money? Did it give you any reason? 84,000 is too much money, so I understand that you must be angry.

However, I noticed that you have filed a complaint with us for over a month and are waiting for the casino's response, which should arrive within a few hours. So I'm curious if they will do so and respond to your complaint and how this whole case will develop.

Could you let me know if you have any updates? I will be waiting.


Hej, kasinoet sagde, at jeg havde overtrådt Max Bet-reglen, som er skjult i vilkårene og betingelserne.

Efter min mening er dette en fælde for enhver spiller, og alle gevinster blev konfiskeret.

Jeg spillede forskellige spil og tjente nogle pæne gevinster, selvom jeg skal understrege, at jeg ikke spillede kun en dag, men flere dage før det forsøgte jeg at udbetale op til 4-5.000 og efter et par dage annullerede de alt og trak det tilbage De tog sig også tid!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Sagen var uløst og lukket, hvad er meningen med at tage alle pointene væk fra kasinoet og skrive, at ingen skal indbetale der, hvad er meningen med det!

Automatisk oversættelse:
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