HjemForumCasinoerBetpanda Casino – generel debat

Betpanda Casino – generel debat (side 8)

1 år siden af Sambankmanfried
22.246 visninger 201 svar |
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1 måned siden

Hello! Today BetPanda finally answered me and asked for verification! I sent them everything they asked for within two hours, I will wait for their response and will keep you posted!

1 måned siden

I see that the case has moved forward, so I wish you a good and speedy verification. After this process it should be easy to withdraw the money, so I will definitely wait to hear from you. 

Good luck. ☘️

1 måned siden

Desværre viste jeg dem desværre beviser, og de er ligeglade og fortsætter deres vej. De vil bare ikke gå på kompromis, og efter min mening vil de ikke engang svare på klagen.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

I feel your frustration. Just hold on; the complaint has not been closed yet. Actually, today advanced to the most crucial part. Let's give it some positive thinking for now. 🤞🤞

1 måned siden

Hej, fortæl mig, hvor længe ventede du på brevet? Min konto blev også blokeret, og support ignorerer mig, siger de, vent på brevet med posten. Fortæl mig, hvad kasinoet bad om? Hvilke dokumenter?

Redigeret af forfatter 1 måned siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

If it is okay with you, may I interrupt?

Since your complaint seems to be about sports betting, I am going to assume that this is also connected to that. Perhaps you can try contacting these sites too:



Should be focused on SB activities. Are you in?

1 måned siden

Ja, jeg spillede i kasinoet, ikke kun væddemål, hvorfor de blokerede det er ukendt, og af en eller anden grund blev min klage lukket, kan du åbne den?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

As I can see, your complaint was rejected because you said to our team that you played sorts.

As we don't have any department dealing with sports betting, we couldn't be of any help.

But now you say that you didn't only play sports? Why didn't you express it in your complaints thread as well, though?

1 måned siden

Fordi jeg ikke syntes, det var så vigtigt, er jeg bekymret for, hvorfor min konto blev blokeret? Kan du kontakte dem for at finde ud af det? Og hvornår vil de give mig mine penge tilbage? Jeg brød ikke kasinoets regler!!!

Redigeret af forfatter 1 måned siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

If you also played in the casino, ask for your case to be reopened. It is probably easiest if you write an email to the person who dealt with your complaint and tell him that you did not only play sports but also in the casino and therefore to have a full picture, it is quite important. 

If there is any problem, don't hesitate to let them know.

1 måned siden

Jeg skrev et brev og en ny klage, men de bliver alle ignoreret.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Okay, I'll try to look into it and ask your resolver what can be done.

1 måned siden

As soon as they asked for my documents, I sent them everything, since then they continue to ignore me and do not answer anything! On 21.11 I sent them the documents, today is 02.12, in LiveChat they tell me that they can not help me in any way, and do not know anything, and on e-mail they ignore me, although I sent them all the documents that they asked for!

1 måned siden

Jeg blev også bedt om dokumenter, jeg sendte alt. Og igen, intet svar i 2 uger, de ved ikke noget i live chatten. De besvarer ikke e-mails

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

U should do like I did. Add one of the owners at whatsapp and they will probably send it to you. Can I contact you in some way?

1 måned siden

Hi there!

I could not let the post slip. Regrettably, our forum lacks DM or PM support, leading players to temporarily share emails or other contact details while the other user is present, then delete them after the exchange concludes. I trust this information is helpful.

1 måned siden

Hvordan føjer man dem til WhatsApp? Har du et telefonnummer?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

do you have a connection with the casino? help me solve my problem

1 måned siden

A month has passed since they closed my account, two weeks ago they asked for verification, I sent them all the documents, but they continue to ignore me, they don’t answer anything, although I provided everything they asked for.

1 måned siden

Jeg har den samme situation, jeg sendte alle dokumenterne, og det var det, så ignorerer de mig

Automatisk oversættelse:
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