HjemForumCasinoerCampeonbet Casino – generel debat

Campeonbet Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af ECantu
9.100 visninger 42 svar |
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Først var det problemet

De ville have min mobiltelefonregning i mit navn

køb en

Jeg sendte det, og de fortalte mig, at det ikke var nødvendigt

At de oplyste var mere end nok

Jeg har haft min mobiltelefon i 10 år, min mand betaler for den, jeg sendte dem vielsesattesten, og de fortalte mig, at det var fint.

Bagefter hørte jeg aldrig fra dem igen, og så var det mig, der overvåger tilbagetoget

I går annullerede de det, fordi de ville have mit ID igen

jeg sendte det

I dag annullerer de det igen og beder mig om mit ID

Jeg har allerede sendt det igen

Jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg ellers skal gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:


To the phone issue:

They wanted to see your telephone provider's bill assigned to you and containing your full name and address. It's similar to the utility bill but you pay for mobile services instead of electricity for instance.

They did not want you to buy a new cell phone to provide them with the invoice.

It was a misunderstanding.

I suspect that there can be something similar with the ID.

You have to follow each instruction and use the correct format. Can you share those instructions, please? Something like: Hold your ID close to your face, maybe?

It is important to follow instructions correctly. Let's try if we can figure out what was wrong.


Ja, jeg gjorde Radka

De afviste mig igen, og de sendte mig ikke en e-mail

jeg ved ikke hvorfor

Automatisk oversættelse:


In this case, ask their live chat, please.


"Hello, I'm doing the KYC and my ID gets rejected all the time. What should I do specifically to pass this, please?"

When you receive a reply, please share it here.

Hopefully, we will figure out what is wrong.


Hej Radka

Ja det gør jeg, og forhåbentlig svarer de mig. Jeg har optaget nogle chats.

De beder kun om min e-mail og fødselsdato.

De indtaster min konto, og hvad de siger ordret er, at jeg ikke behøver at sende noget andet. Jeg forestiller mig, at dem, der besvarer chatten, har automatiske svar, og dem, der træffer beslutningen om at godkende betalingen, er andre mennesker. Jeg tillader mig selv at vedhæfte en chat, som jeg havde et par dage, efter at jeg ikke har kunnet kommunikere med dem.

Jeg vedlægger mange skærme, jeg håber, de tjener dig. De er fra dage siden, fordi de for nylig ikke tager min besked.

Undskyld hvis de gentager sig.

Det sidste har været alle forsøgene.

Bemærk: Jeg foretog den første tilbagetrækning, da de fortalte mig, at min KYC var verificeret

Fra det øjeblik beder de mig hver morgen om nye oplysninger, og jeg er bange for, at jeg allerede vil sende alt, hvad jeg har.

Hos nogle står der at være tålmodig, at om 3 dage er den tilbage, men på tredjedagen afviser de den, og det er mig, der skal skrive og spørge hvorfor.


Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello Ecantu.

I read it all...

Now I can understand why this casino earned such a bad reputation.🙁.

You have been very patient, kind, and cooperative yet the casino has not proven to be useful in a manner of support.

Branislav will try to get in touch with them and help you, let's hope the casino care enough to cooperate with us.

god morgen

Nu dette

Kære kunde:

Vi vil gerne informere dig om, at din tidligere anmodning om tilbagetrækning er blevet afvist.

Send os venligst et digitalt billede af dig med dit id eller pas i hænderne, tæt på dit ansigt, for at muliggøre identifikation.

De dokumenter/dokumenter, der bruges til identifikationsprocessen, må kun være officielle dokumenter og de samme, som du allerede har sendt til os.

Sørg for, at billedet tydeligt viser din fødselsdato og udstedelses- og udløbsdatoen.

Vi håber at høre fra dig snart.

Tøv ikke med at kontakte os, hvis du har brug for yderligere hjælp. Hav en god dag.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi Ecantu,

This is exactly what I was writing about 🙂. I think we're getting closer.

You just have to take a selfie/photo where you hold your ID/passport very close next to your face (you can even take two pictures, to make sure you provided all the required details because it may be that something is placed on the back side of your ID. I'm not sure - you must check for yourself).

Please make sure those details are readable. 🙂👍

Keeping all details clearly visible can be quite challenging when making a selfie, so ask somebody to take a picture of you if possible.

Spillede hos Compeonbet indbetalt

100 euro spillet siden august 2022

Nu er jeg oppe på 850 euro

Da jeg ville hæve pengene, siger de, at de ikke har verificeret kontoen.

Indsendt 30 dokumenter, de ønsker

Men der er nye e-mails fra support@campeonbet.com

De skal have nye dokumenter.

Bluff casino Advarsel alle spiller ikke der nu får ikke de penge, du har vundet

Compeonbet SKAM

Automatisk oversættelse:


30 pieces of documents? I could not name even 20 myself...

Which documents seem to be the worts issue to provide?


yes, they lie, they make things up, I didn't send them automatic emails compeonbet worst shame fooled me never drive with them are there subsidiaries of them are the same compeonbet thrives on scamming people. deposit money later when people have to withdraw They find excuses They have kept my money for 3 months now when I complain they have closed my account

yes, they lie, they make things up, I didn't send them

automatic emails

compeonbet worst shame

fooled me

never drive with them

are there subsidiaries of them are the same

compeonbet thrives on scamming people.

deposit money later when people have to withdraw

They find excuses

They have kept my money for 3 months

now when I complain they have closed my account


I'm not lying, sent but have sent everything not wise Worst casino I've ever been to compeonbet not even kidding Warns people never play there you win or deposit money you never get the money


If you feel that we can be of any help to you, I guess you should submit a complaint. More details about the whole process can be found here.

Let me know what you think about that, please.


Did they solve this problem or? i have sam problem now and found this hm...



Sorry, what problem do you mean?

If you seek complaints' outcomes, kindly try this link 👈 But if you strive to ask a concrete player, feel free to do so by using the reply button.

It would be best if you could just describe what's troubling you for now.


If they got the withdraw or not.

as you see here i have the same problem that they ask for som many documents but now they have nothing to ask for anymore because i verify everthing but still more than a week without accepted withdraw.

Thats why i wonder if he got his withdraw here or not?



Hey there.

Well, you know, it is always very tricky business with such a casino. If you ask me, no one should be playing on such dangerous sites. Assuming we can only guess whether the payouts will come or not.

Did you see its safety index 👈

Let's hope the casino will respond to your complaint when the time comes.

Hej, hvordan endte Rahmboo-problemet?

Jeg spørger, fordi jeg gerne vil vide, om det er muligt at spille på det nævnte casino

Tusinde tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, we don't know how it ended because the player didn't answer us in the end. 

If you want to play at this casino, you better take a good look at the Safety Index. The casino doesn't respond to complaints so if something had happened it probably wouldn't have been solved and the Safety Index I mentioned is very low. So I'd rather avoid this house completely.

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