HjemForumCasinoerCashalot Casino – generel debat

Cashalot Casino – generel debat (side 11)

 af ToniG81
52.389 visninger 239 svar |
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Hey there!

I've moved your post to this official thread, so you may go through the other players posts, and have some more information about this casino.

About withdrawing process, sometimes withdrawals can take some time, until money arrives in your account, because of verification process. May I ask, did you pass the verification procedure yet? And let us know, if you had any new contact with the casino.

Generally, we give casinos 14 days for the withdrawing process, especially when the first withdrawal happens, as they have to review all documents . In meantime, you can read the User Reviews of Cashalot Casino, and you can see what are other peoples opinions about this casino too. Have you seen this screenshot, perhaps? file That doesn't look very nice to me.

If you have any update about withdrawing process, inform us.

Yes I did go tru the Id process,

So I hope they do the payment soon.

But lik u say they don't got very high points.

But thx that you movd me .

Have a great day and I get back with news about the transfer. Or I will ask for your assistance.

Migell 1


We'll be here waiting for your update. Have a great day as well.



I mit tilfælde kom den tredje betaling på 400 euro hver. Den sidste betaling tog omkring en uge.

Med venlig hilsen

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg loggede lige ind igen og så, at tilbagetrækningen blev annulleret uden nogen grund. Pengene blev krediteret tilbage på kontoen. Hvad skal jeg gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well then u probably work for Cashalot,

Here's a link to trust pilots reviews of this site.


I ve been waiting 2 weeks now ,and suddenly they cancelled my withdraw told me yo veryfi my id and mastercard again. And said it was only 200euro maximum to withdraw. But I read the game and pay in their Fac. Told them it 5000 that's is maximum. I said reed fac and dont try to Faack me and give me my withdraw or I will write that Cashalot is still SCAMMING players in Reviews...But not you, you are the first 😆


Well I got new info.

I got the same mail. And I got mail that's said maximum withdraw is 200euro and I did a ,550,

Told them I read their Fac rules in bet&payouts and their they wrote maximum is 5000. I told them this and said I wuld write bad reviews of them and told that this is Scam acting.

So I hop u get your money, but it's looking Dark. They blocked my account said that I cheat ...in slots come on this is their way of business.

Best regards


I read in Trust pilot they got new Reviews of Cashalot and it's not good.


I got my account blocked after I got a mail from payservice that my 550 euro withdraw was rejected and I had to do a new verify again, and I was told that 200 was maximum withdraw but told then I read their Fac rules and that say 5000 is maximum. I said read your Fac and don't try to Faak me just give me my withdraw

So now my account is blocked or closed. Got no answers yet why

But if they need my 20euro I deposit.

to steel that amount is pitty low..

i feel sorry for other player that deposit more. I wish there was away to close or Ban them from Casino Web world

Hope no one will sign up to this Scam site

Best regards migge


Blev du informeret om, hvorfor det blev aflyst? Tjek også din spam-mappe. Du har sikkert også modtaget en udbetalingsgrænse.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg efterlod en besked på kasinoet og modtog lige et svar:


Din udbetaling blev annulleret på grund af en midlertidig tilbagetrækningsgrænse. Genindsend venligst din udbetalingsanmodning op til 300 euro."

Så nu vil jeg prøve 300.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Det vil virke! Det virkede det samme for mig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Yes I got a limit on 200 but in their Fac rules on bet and pay they wrote there limit Is 5000, check it out your self

I took a screen shot before they blocked me. Read 2:8


No comments on why they blocked me in mail any were



Read there own rules on 2:8

So they will fxxk u.like they did to me.

But it was 200 my limit.😆

So keep up fighting, I got blocked.or something

Jeg kan kun advare dig om disse kasinoer og holde dine hænder væk fra dem. Du får €200 hver par uger, og jeg havde €6000 på det.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Og uanset hvilke anmodninger eller noget, du får intet. Og det var næsten et år siden.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg er spændt på, hvor lang tid det vil tage at komme op på 300. Jeg skulle kun bekræfte mit kreditkort under verifikationen, og der vil nok være en myfinity verifikationsløkke først...

Automatisk oversættelse:


I mit tilfælde kom den tredje betaling på 400 euro hver. Den sidste betaling tog omkring en uge.

Med venlig hilsen

Automatisk oversættelse:

That is great that you've got the money. Thank you for the update.

Jeg loggede lige ind igen og så, at tilbagetrækningen blev annulleret uden nogen grund. Pengene blev krediteret tilbage på kontoen. Hvad skal jeg gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Try to find out from the support the reason for cancelling, I would say. Could it be the wrong format of the documents, perhaps? 🤷‍♀️

Well I got new info.

I got the same mail. And I got mail that's said maximum withdraw is 200euro and I did a ,550,

Told them I read their Fac rules in bet&payouts and their they wrote maximum is 5000. I told them this and said I wuld write bad reviews of them and told that this is Scam acting.

So I hop u get your money, but it's looking Dark. They blocked my account said that I cheat ...in slots come on this is their way of business.

Best regards


Would you like to file a complaint so our team could try to help you out with your issue at this casino? Here is the link if you decide to do so. Let us know, please, if you need any assistance.

Jeg kan kun advare dig om disse kasinoer og holde dine hænder væk fra dem. Du får €200 hver par uger, og jeg havde €6000 på det.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Have you managed to get out your money, if I may ask? If you need our complaint team to look into this issue, please let us know.

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