HjemForumCasinoerCryptoLeo Casino – generel debat

CryptoLeo Casino – generel debat

 af anapaul5023
5.477 visninger 41 svar |
1 23
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til CryptoLeo Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Rigged algorithms as like in bruno casino or nine casino. (:


Did you try to ask the game provider about that? According to my experience, it is almost impossible to prove such a thing. 🤔 You would need to reverse-engineer the game itself, and this is certainly quite a big deal.

Any chance that the casino just applies lower RTP on slots? Some game providers even offer the casinos a few scales of settable RTP. 

I have no idea. Nevertheless, 13 years of experience as a gambler and scatters flying through my session somehow intuitively made me think that something is not right here.


That's quite natural. Sadly nowadays games are so complicated and structural, that trying to prove that something is altered, well - I already wrote that.

Normally, there are also other explanations. I'm sure you'll find some of my older answers in that regard.

But if you have your doubts, ask the game provider - save your gaming history for that.

In general, I am of the opinion that with COVID-19, the entertainment of playing in online casinos has changed very drastically to the detriment of the player in terms of gratifying hits by lowering the "win rate" through algorithms. I don't have any written evidence for this, but I played in various casinos over the two years and I notice such a relationship that there are many days during the week during the session that you have no chance to maintain the balance, the funds are lost despite reasonable play, manipulating the rates , frequent changes of prodviders. You can use all kinds of tactics, but it won't help.

That's my subjective feeling. I'm expressing my opinion, nothing else. (:


I noticed that from time to time, some players are asking when is the best time to play in certain casinos.

Technically, if two thousand people play slots in one casino at the same time, the chances for more frequent wins seem higher, than when only two hundred players are playing.

What do you think about that? 🤔 You sound like a skilled player to me, so I'm wondering whether you have experienced something similar.

Some called that playing in the "prime time".

Hej kære medlemmer 🙂

Hvordan er din oplevelse på dette casino?

Jeg ville være meget interesseret

De bedste hilsner 🫡

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi there.

Any way to get some help? Its been 4-5 days and no payout and support keeps saying same bs over and over. "we are reviewing your withdraw"

Very unacceptable behavior all around from this casino

Thank you


Hi, I've moved your post under the casino you're talking about. 

As for your problem, I would like to say that we give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal. 4-5 days is not a big deal yet. The casino is communicating with you as I see it and there must be checks and if everything goes well I believe you will be able to withdraw the money successfully. 

If not, you can let us know and we will try to help you.

Will that be possible ? 

Jeg indbetalte på dette casino, og der er gået mere end 5 dage, og pengene vises ikke på kontoen, jeg har allerede sendt bevis på direkte indbetaling fra Binance, print af kasinoets indbetalingsadresse, de siger, at de løser det , efter min mening er de bare endnu et par tyve som mange andre, jeg anbefaler ikke at indbetale her, udover at slots her ikke giver bonusser, og har RTP 96.50 maksimum fra pragmatisk spil, i andre casinoer er det anderledes, denne krypto leo, ninecasino og bruno, virker rigget

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there. I can see in your complaint that the issue was resolved and the money has appeared in your account. That is a positive news indeed. Have you had any other experience in this casino? Would you like to describe it to our users, maybe? And of course you can help other players by writing a user review of this casino as well. I am sure you already know how, right?😉

Siden jeg oprettede kontoen, spillede jeg og trak mig naturligt ud, en dag jeg gik for at spille slots vandt jeg $1400, og jeg gik for at hæve den. Herefter er vi 3 uger inde, og jeg har ikke fået et eneste brugbart svar om, hvad der foregår. De eneste, jeg modtog, var de automatiske svar fra livechatten

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello. Sorry to hear you found yourself in such a situation. Have you tried to contact the support by mail, perhaps, to find out what is going on? Can you access your account in the casino? If you feel, that you need our help, I would suggest to file a complaint and our team will surely do everything they can to get it all solved. To submit one, just click/tap on this link 👈, please, and let us know if you need any further assistance.

I was just playing in the sports games, i was loving it, and i could withdrawl a couple times but then they closed my account saying that i needed to do verification, which i've done it and then the trouble started, i was asked to do a video call to confirm my identity and they delayed it 3 times, took 2/3 days to respond to my e-mails, in the chat they said they coudn't do anything i needed to wait and then i was able to schedule the meeting and done it, 10 days later and i've emailed them 3/4 times without respond, my account still closed and my money still there


I presume they're still trying to evaluate the call though the time efficency is not very convincing.

May I know how you feel about the call itself? In any case, if the casino fails to provide a resume in the next few working days, I would start thinking about submitting a complaint. Casino Guru provides a special team focused on resolving players' issues, and I feel you may need it.

Are you interested in the complaint details? Just let us know, please.

Dette casino hævder at behandle udbetalinger inden for 24 timer, men der er gået 4 dage, og min udbetaling afventer stadig. Hvad værre er, tilbagetrækningen er blokeret, hvilket betyder, at jeg ikke engang kan annullere den. Dette er aldrig sket for mig før, jeg har en verificeret konto og har hævet flere gange. I chatten hjalp ingen mig, de undskyldte bare og bad mig vente. Meget dårlig opførsel fra husets side. Jeg skriver her, fordi jeg aldrig kan skrive en klage på casinoguru.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I hope that our team will be able to help you out with your complaint, as they already started to investigate. Please provide Veronika with more information, so she'll be able to move forward.

Is there, by any chance, an update from the casino now after the weekend?


Dette kasino er en komedie! Først afventer min tilbagetrækning uden begrundelse. Så selvom min konto er fuldt verificeret, beder de mig om flere dokumenter! Så sender jeg alle dokumenter, og de bliver afvist, fordi de siger, at de ikke er nødvendige. Efter at jeg begyndte at klage her og på andre anmeldelsessider, godkendte de alle mine dokumenter. Mine dokumenter er godkendt, og de vil stadig ikke godkende tilbagetrækningen, fordi de siger, at dokumenterne ikke er godkendt endnu, selvom deres egen bekræftelsesside siger, at min konto er verificeret. Hvis du elsker dine penge, så løb væk fra dette casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh wow, that's a really messy situation as I could call it.

Let's see if our team will be able to achieve some movement in this case, because you must be already frustrated. Right?

Just give it a some time, please, and Veronika will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have any kind of update, though, please inform us about it.

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