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HjemForumCasinoerDaddy Casino – generel debat

Daddy Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af franztheuerw
10.820 visninger 68 svar |
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Frankly, you are mistaken terribly. Casinos do not pay us in any way for handling complaints. But I see you fall for the most convenient "explanation" at hand. Typically...

You forgot to mention the obvious explanation: "Unfortunately, since the player played down their balance already we couldn't intervene."


How do you expect anyone to address the casino under such circumstances? "Dear casino representative, would you pay out the money to the player if he kept the balance untouched?"

"Oh, sure, we would."

Do you understand the problem beyond solving it once the money is gone?

So, be warned: keep abusing us by spreading your lies here on our forum, and your access to the forum will be restricted.

We better focus on players with real issues rather than on players with eccentric propaganda.

Are we clear? Final warning.

So you aren't helping, what you are doing is allowing the casino to continue their cycle of not actually paying out. Attached is three screen grabs worth of me attempting to withdraw via the methods they suggest and then them rejecting it because they have technical issues.

I do not believe a casino can have technical issues with, Skrill, card and Crypto for three months solid. I also do not think it is right that a casino doing this should have such a high rating on your site - it seems highly negligent on your part and I assume that you get some sort of kick back from them or this simply doesn't make any sense.

I have requested it one last time but if it is rejected I will be seeking legal advice as this company has not only stolen my money but as my personal documents which I am highly uncomfortable with. They have also changed their URL which seems highly suspicious as they are a new casino?

Why is it that you seem to sympathise with the casino in this case?


Please read those words again "I think it's been going on for quite a long time and you're just going round in circles. I don't understand what could be behind the casino recommending a method and then rejecting the withdrawal. However, you still have an open complaint..."

So no, it does not mean the Complaint Team ignores your issue. But there's nothing else we can add at this point here on the forum. We do not investigate complaints here.

All has been said. So please, try to be patient, and make sure you won't touch your balance.

I agree this whole case is pretty strange, but we are in the same position as you are. 🙁

Redigeret af forfatter

filefilefile this is a real issue so maybe you can actually help me with this then? filefile


You give this casino over a 9 rating on safety - so you know they aren't paying and yet you recommend them still. Does this not show more sympathy to the casino over the player?

I only signed up because of the rating that you gave and now I am down....and you don't help...you just write absolute nonsense that is meant to appease people.


Actually, we do not know the casino is not paying until it is proven in the complaint. Despite how much I'd like to get involved in the process, it's not my place.

The best thing you can do is keep the complaint updated. A higher safety index means you won't most likely encounter an unfair approach, but as I'm sure you understand, Casino Guru is not responsible for the casino's actions. To compensate for this "gap," we try to resolve player's issues freely.

I understand your feelings. Still, consider this: if the casino has changed its "qualities", there is no way for us to find out until you come here and submit the complaint.

I would be mad if I were in your shoes, and I'm sorry you have to go through that. 🙁

Same problem, than other players. All documents for KYC is sended, but withdrows is canceled every time. So, if you want save your money, stay away this casino!!!


Hello, have you sent all the documents and has the casino checked them yet ? Were there any rejections ? It is important to note that until the player passes the verification, it will not be possible to withdraw the money. I would assume that's probably why your withdrawals were cancelled. 

So can you give me an idea how you are doing with verification ? 

I'll wait for an answer.


Alt er indsendt og accepteret. Jeg har forsøgt at hæve til et bankkort, Skrill bankoverførsel og normal bankoverførsel. Jeg har prøvet i mere end en uge i chatten, men desværre vil dette casino bare ikke udbetale pengene. Jeg forstår ikke, hvordan guruen har givet dette en 9,3-bedømmelse? Er der et sted at klage over dette?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Did the casino also tell you the reason why it doesn't want to pay out your money when you have already tried several alternatives ? We give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal, so if nothing has changed you can let us know. 

As for the complaint, you can file it here, but for the time being our team would only ask questions to find out more and only if the 14 days are full, then they would try to contact the casino.


Første gang sagde de, at man kun kan hæve med et kort. Jeg prøvede først alene, derefter ved hjælp af chatten, men hver gang mislykkedes tilbagetrækningen. Så sagde de, at jeg også kan hæve ved bankoverførsel. Også det mislykkedes. Nu, når jeg er gået til chatten for at spørge, fortæller de mig, at jeg skal vente 7 minutter, så igen 7 minutter og derefter overføre til en anden kundeservicemedarbejder. Jeg brugte en uge på at prøve med dem, men følelsen af, at de bare ikke gider betale, blev hele tiden stærkere. Og efter at have læst om mødet med andre klummeskribenter, blev følelsen kun stærkere. Der er mindst 50 mislykkede tilbagetrækningsforsøg...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh, in such a situation it is certainly not pleasant when you have to try several payment methods and with each of them there is a problem in the end. It's even more strange when the casino said so and recommended it to you. Were there any reasons why it always failed ? 

Since you filed the complaint I saw that you will have to wait for some time and if the casino fails to solve it we will try to help you. 

Anyway, now you have submitted a withdrawal or is that not possible for you ? 


Det er meningsløst at gøre dem, når det afvises senest en time efter forsøget, og pengene altid returneres til spilkontoen. Det ville være godt, hvis en anden kunne tvinge dem til at foretage hjemsendelsen, mens jeg bare får dem til at vente. Jeg kan vente på en løsning. Jeg spiller på kasinoet med penge, som jeg er klar til at tabe, men det ville være rart at kunne hæve pengene, hvis jeg nogensinde skulle vinde noget der.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Of course I understand. The main thing I recommend to do now is to leave the money in the player's account and do nothing with it, because if you lose it, we won't be able to help you. So the best thing to do is to wait, and as I mentioned before, our team will try to assist you.

I hope you will be successful in your withdrawal in the end. 


Pengene er på spilkontoen og bliver det. Efter de første hjemsendelsesforsøg besluttede jeg, at nu vil vi se det her til ende. Det er det, kasinoet forsøger at gøre, så spillerne mister deres penge tilbage. På et tidspunkt satte de €10 bonuspenge på min spilkonto og påstod, at det ikke er muligt at hæve, fordi der er bonuspenge på spilkontoen. Jeg annullerede bonussen og sagde, at det er okay nu, men det virkede selvfølgelig heller ikke efter det.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Good move. Until everything is sorted out I wouldn't do anything with the money either. 

As for the bonus, did you ask for it or did the casino give it to you spontaneously so it could say that the bonus money is in your account ? That would have been quite awkward, but I see that you cancelled it. 

As much as I hate to say it, we'll just have to wait and see what happens next and our team will try to help you in a bit if the casino can't manage to pay out your money. 🙂


Jeg bad ikke om en bonus. De havde lige tilføjet det til min spilkonto, og næste gang jeg gik for at hæve pengene, mislykkedes det selvfølgelig. Jeg spurgte igen om årsagen i chatten, og de sagde, at du har en aktiv bonus. Jeg fjernede bonussen og forsøgte at hæve mine penge igen, men det lykkedes igen. Pengene står på spilkontoen, og jeg har ikke tænkt mig at gøre noget ved dem. Jeg venter i fred 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well then, patience brings roses, as they say, and I firmly believe that this will be the case in your situation as well. 

As for the bonus, it's good that you didn't do anything and canceled it, and I have a feeling that it will be irrelevant to enter another withdrawal for now, since it is always rejected. 

I'm curious how it will turn out. 🙂


Hej, kan du fortælle mig, hvorfor min anmeldelse blev afvist? Jeg er en spiller af dette casino og vil gerne give en anmeldelse.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello. I can see that our internal system found too many similarities in your reviews, which is why they were rejected. If you wish, you can send some screenshots proving that you are a player at these casinos, and we will retroactively approve your reviews. Please forward those to community@casino.guru. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Hello again. Thank you for providing the screenshots. Your user reviews have been retroactively approved now.

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