HjemForumCasinoerDozenspins Casino – generel debat

Dozenspins Casino – generel debat

 af Gretche70
6.345 visninger 35 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Dozenspins Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

For at være ærlig ved jeg ikke rigtig, hvad jeg skal synes om dette casino. Vandt godt og hurtigt i starten. Udbetalingen tog kun 2 dage trods bekræftelse. Indbetalt igen. Udbetalte 400 euro igen. Du kan ikke betale mere. Nu er udbetalingen allerede 3 dage, og der sker ikke noget. Du behøver ikke at skrive en e-mail, der kommer aldrig et svar. I chatten fik jeg at vide, at de udbetaler efter først til mølle-princippet. Lidt mærkeligt. Spillene kørte fantastisk i starten, kun nu kører de så du ikke længere har en chance for at vinde noget større, uanset hvor meget du indbetaler. De tilbyder sikkert på deres side, at du kan sætte en indbetalingsgrænse, men der er ikke noget svar fra casinoet. Det er ærgerligt, tænkte jeg egentlig først, endelig et godt casino, men desværre siger min følelse mig noget andet nu.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Da jeg spurgte i chatten, hvorfor min udbetaling endnu ikke var blevet behandlet, var svaret at kontakte kyc support. Hvilket jeg har gjort flere gange, der var nul respons. E-mails ignoreres, og i live chat ønsker de ikke at hjælpe. Faldet for et kasino igen

Automatisk oversættelse:

It's strange from my point of view, considering that you have a fully verified account and I've seen that you've already made a withdrawal. Have you always withdrawn and deposited using the same method or have you used a different in some cases ? Sometimes the payment provider may have problems and therefore the casino may not be at fault. In case support and live chat do not respond, it is to the casino's detriment, because they can lose players in a similar way.


However, I would say that 3 days is not that long yet, try to give them more time, because nothing bad has to happen yet. As part of the resolution of player complaints, we give the casino up to 14 days to resolve the withdrawal. Anyway, if you still don't receive the money even after 14 days and the casino doesn't communicate, I would recommend filing a complaint.


By the way, you wrote that you thought you finally found a good casino. How did you get to this one ? Through Casino Guru or somewhere else?



Ja, jeg har altid de samme ind- og udbetalingsmetoder. Jeg blev ikke irriteret over, at 2. betaling ikke er blevet behandlet i 3 dage, selvom de oplyser, at de vil behandle betalingen inden for 24 timer. Jeg var bare overrasket over, at min første udbetaling var på min konto efter kun 2 dage, selvom jeg stadig skulle verificere mig selv fuldstændigt. Og den 2. betaling var stadig åben efter 3 dage. Dette blev også behandlet i dag efter 5 dage og overført til min konto. Måske bare fordi jeg skrev en anmeldelse her. Med den 1. udbetaling var jeg også i livechatten dagen efter for at spørge, hvor lang tid det ville tage at behandle den. De spurgte, om jeg ikke havde modtaget en mail. Nej det har jeg ikke. Medarbejderen sendte mig derefter indholdet af denne e-mail i live chat. Der stod, at jeg skulle sende et dokument til kyc supports, hvilket jeg gjorde. Min tilbagetrækning blev behandlet dagen efter. Så alt er normalt for mig. Men da den anden betaling ikke blev behandlet, spurgte jeg igen i chatten. Og så kom svaret, de udbetaler efter først til mølle princippet. Jeg burde skrive til support- eller kyc-afdelingen. Det gjorde jeg flere gange, indtil nu har jeg ikke modtaget et eneste svar. Kasinoet svarede på min anmeldelse, at de hurtigt løser problemer. Du skal skrive til support. Jeg fandt det virkelig latterligt, fordi jeg har gjort det flere gange, og de ignorerede mig totalt. Ikke en eneste e-mail kom tilbage, ikke en, intet. Derfor skrev jeg mit indlæg her for måske at få svar her. Ja i begyndelsen tænkte jeg wow et fantastisk casino. Kampene gik rigtig godt, og der var rigtig gode chancer for at vinde. 1 betalingen kørte også uden problemer. Da jeg så vandt igen og anmodede om en udbetaling igen, var det sjove slut. Jeg indbetalte igen et par gange, selvom min 2. udbetaling stadig var afventende. Men fra da af kørte spillene ikke så godt længere, de kørte virkelig, som om du stoppede hjulene på en sådan måde, at du ikke fik overskud længere. I mine øjne havde det intet at gøre med held og lykke. Og jeg forestiller mig det heller ikke. Jeg fandt dette casino her hos Casino Guru en gang, og det blev vurderet meget godt. For mig er ikke kun spillene vigtige i et casino, men også supporten. Men her blev ikke hjulpet, men blev simpelthen ignoreret.

Jeg spiller stadig på et andet casino, som jeg registrerede mig hos for 1 uge siden. Og først i dag fandt ud af, at det drives af det samme firma. Kasinoet hedder All Reels. Der vandt jeg 2200 euro i dag og anmodede om en udbetaling på 400 euro 3 gange. Jeg spurgte i chatten, hvor mange intervaller jeg kan udbetale. Der sagde man 3 udbetalinger på samme tid. Altså det samme som her i dette casino. Det var da jeg først bemærkede, at disse casinoer hører sammen. Jeg spurgte igen, om jeg stadig skal sende dokumenter, selvom jeg bekræftede min konto umiddelbart efter registreringen. Alle hjul fortalte mig også at vente på en e-mail. Så jeg er virkelig spændt på at se, hvad der kommer.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I'm glad you got the second withdrawal in 5 days. Regarding the games, in this case we have no information about them being fake or anything like that.

In terms of playing at a sister casino, I'll just say that I think it's going to be a similar withdrawal process and it's also possible that both casinos use the same customer support. In this case, I hope you will be able to withdraw money at the sister casino. 

When your money arrives, could you let us know here on the forum if it was a similar or the same process or if you had a more positive experience?



Desværre er det endnu værre i søsterkasinoet All Reels, jeg var nødt til at indgive en klage, fordi jeg ikke kan komme længere der

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, it is certainly not pleasant that you're also having problems in sister casino and I understand your frustration. 

Regarding the complaint you filed, I've already read it and Veronica and the whole team will try to make sure the situation is resolved fairly. For now, we just have to wait and see how the casino responds to your issue. 

Once you made any progress, just let us know.

For 5 dage siden skrev jeg en mail til supporten om, at de skulle lukke min konto. Endnu en gang var der ingen reaktion, og min konto er stadig åben. Det var virkelig dumt igen, og jeg betalte igen. Lige så hurtigt som det blev indbetalt. Så hurtigt var jeg tilbage på nulpunktet. Så gik jeg ind i live chatten for at spørge hvorfor du ignorerede min e-mail igen, jeg bliver nu også ignoreret i live chatten. Enhver, der forventer hjælp fra support her, tager fejl. Hvis du vil smide dine penge væk, er dette stedet for dig

Automatisk oversættelse:

Please use the "reply" button if possible. As for your specific situation, I don't understand what the problem is when the casino is unable to close the account. I'm sorry that in this case you deposited there again and lost. 

In your particular situation, I would recommend a complaint since the casino is ignoring your efforts to close your account. 

Do you think you will try ?

Looking at Altacore N.V. ‘s other casinos( IWild, Icebet, Stellario, Burningbet, SmokeAce, Windetta, WinLegends, Allreels, Winstoria, Snatch) you see the same modus operandi through the group.

* Above average rating by Guru

* Poor rating by reviewers

* Highly rated fake reviews

* Preditory Bonus structure

* purposefully delayed payments that are below daily limits

* Support lies both privately and publicly when answering customer complaints about payments and bonus structure

This is part of a complaint for Dozenspins that is reflected through the Altacore N. my V. group regarding preditory Bonus Terms



Casino Data Team Lead & Complaint Specialist


Hi all,

Thank you for your replies.

Dear Dozenspins Casino team,

I'm afraid I have to agree with Ypsi2005. It's fine that you inform the players about applying max cashout when the wagering of the bonus is finished and when their winnings are higher than this amount. But how about the majority of the players whose winnings are lower than the max cashout? How do they know if the bonus. rules still apply to their balance even if the wagering of the bonus is finished and the balance is displayed as real money? This doesn't make any sense. Even if the player should make a withdrawal in order to get rid of the max cashout rule (which isn't even stated in the casino's Bonus T&Cs) it would be very user-unfriendly, unintuitive, and even predatory. As soon as the wagering is finished and the bonus money is converted to real money, all bonus rules should be dropped, and therefore Ypsi2005 should get paid in full.


Casino Guru! Can you explain why this warning doesn’t show on all Altacore NV sites when they have nearly IDENTICAL bonus, withdrawal and management structure?


This is part of a complaint for Dozenspins that is reflected through the Altacore N. my V. group regarding preditory Bonus Terms



Casino Data Team Lead & Complaint Specialist


Hi all,

Thank you for your replies.

Dear Dozenspins Casino team,

I'm afraid I have to agree with Ypsi2005. It's fine that you inform the players about applying max cashout when the wagering of the bonus is finished and when their winnings are higher than this amount. But how about the majority of the players whose winnings are lower than the max cashout? How do they know if the bonus. rules still apply to their balance even if the wagering of the bonus is finished and the balance is displayed as real money? This doesn't make any sense. Even if the player should make a withdrawal in order to get rid of the max cashout rule (which isn't even stated in the casino's Bonus T&Cs) it would be very user-unfriendly, unintuitive, and even predatory. As soon as the wagering is finished and the bonus money is converted to real money, all bonus rules should be dropped, and therefore Ypsi2005 should get paid in full.

This is the same story - same open complaint.

Kindly mind my reply right here. Thank you!


Casino Guru! Can you explain why this warning doesn’t show on all Altacore NV sites when they have nearly IDENTICAL bonus, withdrawal and management structure?

Hello again!

Well, almost identical does not sound completely identical to me. Since I'm not responsible for these warnings, I'm afraid you'll get no answers from me.

Could you ask the Data Team, as you may do yourself anytime you'd like:


Scroll down the Overview tab to see this feature.

I can't see this warning while looking at Dozenspins Casino, though. Also, these two don't have the same bonuses, I'd say.

I honestly do not understand the issue:


Since you seem very concerned about the whole group, I also added another screenshot, - does not look the same to me.

I truly recommend sharing your concern with the Data Team directly, thus, I feel I can't help you further with this subject. 🤔

I think you either didn’t read what I wrote or you are playing the same game as the casinos. Their go to answer to most questions is that "they don’t quite understand your concern".

I clearly wrote their bonus structure is nearly identical ie terms and conditions. Showing pictures of promotions from each casino is a silly answer to my question. Of coarse their promos aren’t exactly the same but the legalese behind them is….

Btw I have not received a single response from any "author and guarantor" when I’ve made comments on the reviews.

I think you either didn’t read what I wrote or you are playing the same game as the casinos. Their go to answer to most questions is that "they don’t quite understand your concern".

I clearly wrote their bonus structure is nearly identical ie terms and conditions. Showing pictures of promotions from each casino is a silly answer to my question. Of coarse their promos aren’t exactly the same but the legalese behind them is….

Could you kindly focus on my reply instead of comparing us to casinos?

Submit a complaint or inform our Data Team.

Without a concrete situation, there is nothing to discuss with words like "legalasel" "promos" or the rest - to be honest.

You started with the print screens - remember? 🙂

So, I sent you a bonus tab printscreen to identify the issue - this isn't any promo by the way. I was trying to understand you better.

We do not get involved in legality here on the forum, we focus on fairness, because it is easier to apply the principles to players from all countries around the world. If you are convinced there is something illegally wrong with the bonuses, turn to the licensing authority or hire a lawyer.

If you seek help with unfair treatment in any casino, submit a complaint.

Otherwise, I have no clue what you want to achieve here.

Btw I have not received a single response from any "author and guarantor" when I’ve made comments on the reviews.

Meaning when you used this feature?


When exactly did you write there? Can you share the subject and the sender's email address?

Alternatively, please provide further details on data@casino.guru, I'll ask the Team to look into it for you 🙂


Let’s focus on what I said then Radka. Btw this is a forum and if you do not understand what a forum is you should not be replying to posters. I will write about Altacore NV casinos dirty laundry anytime I can because Guru is promoting this nasty group of casinos as trustworthy.

Im more concerned about what other players see here than your opinion "to be honest"

"Submit a complaint or inform our Data Team."

Im complaining on forum in leu of making a complaint because there is no point. I’m done with Altacore NV casinos and I want to make other players aware of their preditory Terms and conditions.

The complaint process is unproductive to say the least when you are looking to make Gurus reviews honest.

For example if I complain that payment is slow and not per terms and conditions the only thing that is followed up is eventual payment to the customer. Casino Guru does not change what the Daily limits are for payments on the review page when it is obvious across all Altacore NV casinos their policy is to stall payments as long as possible and make the max payout of 400€ per day regardless of each Individual casinos daily limits. The poor soles that win a large amount of money are in for a shock when they try to withdraw. Lol.

When it comes to the bonus structure there should be a warning at all Altacore NV casinos that if you do not withdraw your full balance at the time of bonus fulfillment you will have additional winnings deleted. There are many complaints in regards to this across Altacore NV casinos yet there are no warnings except on Dozenspins.

As for contacting the "data team" what would I send to them ? Guru has all the info they need in their complaint system but have made no wholesome changes to the Guru Review pages for the Altacore Casinos.

If I send in proof of delayed payments will the daily withdrawal limit change on review page?

If I send proof that that they claw back wins a second time after bonus fulfillment will you put a warning?

I call bullshit because there are active and resolved complaints regarding these issues and no changes have been made.

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