HjemForumCasinoerFresh Casino – generel debat

Fresh Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af Mister_Schweiz
15.425 visninger 64 svar |
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do you have the same problem while playing games from a different game provider or in different casinos?

I think that this test should give you some idea.

Since it's not so easy to find the source of this problem I'd personally try a different casino.



Jeg har aldrig haft sådanne problemer i noget andet casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, I would not spend my time with games that are hardly functional.

I'm sorry, but I can't tell you where the problem lies. 🙁


Hej Radka,

Jeg har besluttet at stoppe helt.

Siden den nye lov i Tyskland og de tilhørende sanktioner, er det bedre at stoppe. Især da der vil være en komplet blok fra Tyskland for kasinoer i udlandet, eller som ikke har en tysk licens.

Og før jeg står over for straffe her, vil jeg hellere stoppe.

Det er alligevel ikke længere sjovt siden skiftet

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello Sandor,

I understand completely. If it's not fun anymore, it's not worth it.

You can play those free games from time to time - no restrictions 🙂.

What do you think?

Selvom jeg allerede er verificeret, bad dem jeg ville betale ud med om andre data fra mig, og de sagde

Din anmodning om tilbagetrækning vil være underlagt yderligere bekræftelse, hvilket kan tage noget tid. Den maksimale gennemgangstid er 31 dage. Dette sker normalt meget tidligere.

hvad skal det betyde, når du indbetaler med det samme, ingen problemer, hvis du er heldig og får noget og derefter vil udbetale problemerne, får mig til at anbefale dette fresch casino til alle, der bare er til sjov!

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry to say that, this usually happens when the casino's system spots some irregularities in your deposits, gaming history, or payment options. Your account gets flagged and it triggers additional verification.

I think you should cooperate with the casino, it's usually the easiest way.

Deposit is something you do deliberately and willingly, casinos do not verify deposits - there is nothing to be verified the moment you deposit. Is anybody verifying you when you buy stuff online using paysafe method? No. Casinos verify players - that's what it's called the KYC (know your customer).

Some verifications are smooth, some are none. I hope you'll pass the check successfully and soon.

Let us know how it goes.


Jeg lavede en normal indbetaling med den 1. bonusdobbelt, jeg modtog. Jeg spillede klart en bonusspiller med en grænse på max 5 euro. Så var væddemålet overstået

  1. Betalingsanmodningen gik igennem med 1250 på 12 timer, jeg forstår det slet ikke, den første er stadig under behandling og den anden er allerede afsluttet, virksomheden vil bare skabe problemer og i live chat siger de slet ikke noget, en siger op til 5 dage, den anden siger 31 dage, det er ikke normalt længere. Jeg er aktiv overalt og har desværre aldrig set sådan et mål.
Automatisk oversættelse:

file Er det ikke mærkeligt, at du behandler lavere beløb og højere, selvom de blev anmodet om tidligere og ikke ønsker at behandle dem og også vil kontrollere, at ingen kan forklare mig, at hvad kasinoer må gøre, de vil bare meddele problemer Jeg ser mere, fordi jeg aldrig vil anbefale her igen, ingen af mændene er heldige for første gang i sit liv, og han får højst sandsynligt ikke pengene, eller om 31 dage synes jeg, det er snyd og uretfærdigt!

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry, am not a casino employee hence I can't explain what's happening.

For that, you should submit a complaint instead. There is a section dedicated to the whole process, so browse it if you like:


If you decide to submit one, which I see as a reasonable step, you can do that by clicking/tapping this link.

Are you in?

Freshes Casino 😀


What is so funny? 🤣 Any concrete experience?


Ja, rigtig god kundeservice & gode udbetalingstider 🙂

Du kan også vinde hyggelige tider her, hvis heldet velsigner dig. 😀

Sidedesign & spiludvalg mega 🫡

Jeg synes også, deres servitricer er okay!

Helt klart et forsøg værd 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:

I can sense the positive vibes floating over this place! ✌😉

scam site with unfair terms and conditions 🙂 place 3 bets and (lost) and my account need to additional verification xd this will take till 31 days 🙂 for checking 3 bets 🙂 Casino have unfair terms and conditions and abuse rules 🙂 perfect reputation is a joke 🙂 as always on casino guru 🙂 they never mention about unfair terms and conditions (abuse rules against users... 31 days checking 3 bets 🙂 )

do not believe in KYC 🙂 this is abuse rules you can ask lawyer in any country about this 31 days rules 🙂 3 bets checked 31 days is ok for casino guru because this is KYC 🙂 remember... casino guru earn money on gamblers... so they need to convince people that this is for they own good 😉


Did they tell you they need 31 days in order to check the 3 bets? Because KYC has nothing to do with the 3 bets. KYC is related to your identity. Additionally, I know about cases where checking a single bet took months. But that was about sports bets and it was related to matches that were investigated by a police as "fixed matches".

xd you are funny 🙂 "fixed matches" 🙂 europol, sportsradar, betradar and others checked how many fixed matches are... in 2 years about 750 games was suspicions... i know because i cooperated with both xd fixed matches xD man... prima april was 11 ago xd

and no... there is no investigation about fixed matches... they start to investigation my account when i try to withdraw money 🙂 i place bets on 25 euro 🙂 try to withdraw money and they start investigation... so what if i not try to withdraw they no investigation about fixed matches? 🙂 scam company with unfair terms and conditions... i need more bookies like this one 😉 we will see what is fixed... 😉 i know my work...


I tough you know additional checks are very often a result of the submitted withdrawal. The casino isn't constantly checking all accounts and histories, it's usually done especially once the player submits the withdrawal. Casino ensures the winnings are legit.

What is so funny about fixed matches? Would be good to explain further, don't you agree?


Funny because casino and providers cooperate with law enforcement authorities... and... if there is suspicious about fixed matches you dont block account and check them by 31 days... and you (in this case casino) dont pass judgment... if game is suspicous casino/bookies/provider have duty to signal to interpol, europol and local police... not check by own hands xD and if game is suspicious you dont talk about this to guy how can be involved in fixed game... why? 🙂 I think this is rhetoric question...


Aaah, now I understand your point! Thanks!

Just a detail, this is the official procedure involving fixed matches. ok. It should be just an organized group of players making opposite bets, misusing the odds instead.

Being in the bookie's shoes, what would you do in the meantime? Would you pay out the money as a bookmaker, while having doubts about let's say correctness? I wouldn't - I would instead block the account for suspicion. 😀

I agree, it's rhetoric and theoretical 👍

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