HjemForumCasinoerGGBet Casino – generel debat

GGBet Casino – generel debat (side 14)

 af Vova1983
76.857 visninger 347 svar |
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Finally, one of my withdrawal requests has come through. The VISA card one


I just received one just now. 2 minutes ago. VISA


Hvornår anmodede du om betalingen?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Last week.


Maybe try giving them a phone call. A direct phone call instead of emailing.

Og hvad sagde de til dig i telefonen?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Nothing special but just try it. I was desperate so I tried everything.


I got all my withdrawals. Here's my advice call then or go to the live chat and ask them to cancel your withdrawal. Even if it says it's in progress they can cancel it some times. After that do another withdrawal and make sure that you use a method you have very recently deposited with first. That worked for me.

Hi Romi,

can you help me in my case? I'm waiting for about 17 days on my withdraw.


Hello there. I have seen your complaint and our team is already working on its progress. Unfortunately, now there is nothing much to do, just wait until they are able to investigate deeper, and if needed, the casino will be contacted regarding your case.

As I read all the posts in this thread, I just hope that this issue will be resolved soon. Please keep us updated on any updates.

I got all my withdrawals. Here's my advice call then or go to the live chat and ask them to cancel your withdrawal. Even if it says it's in progress they can cancel it some times. After that do another withdrawal and make sure that you use a method you have very recently deposited with first. That worked for me.

That is great, thank you for the update. Have you learned what caused the delay?


They just said that they had "sporadic technical issues". That's all.


Hopefully they fixed it, and everyone will be able to withdraw now.

Jeg har stadig ikke modtaget nogen betaling.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Let's see how Mirka will go with your complaint.🤞


Der sker ikke noget med min klage...

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry to say that, but Mirka has more than 5 days to respond. You should probably get familiar with the complaint phases: "Each involved party (you, the casino, or the Casino Guru team) has seven days to respond when they are required to do so to move the complaint forward. When this period elapses without a response, we usually choose to prolong the time limit by another seven days." 🤷‍♀️

Be assured, that they try to respond on any occasion, yet, as you may see, there are currently 858 open complaints. Be patient, please 🙏

Jeg har nøjagtig samme problem med min stikkontakt som tm1025. Jeg kæmper med min tilbagetrækning på 18000 sek. fra 31/5. Jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre! Hjælp mig!

Automatisk oversættelse:

God eftermiddag, hvis du kan hjælpe mig med min sag, jeg har problemer med min udbetaling (Casino gg.bet), jeg har ventet i 15 dage, og de fortæller mig kun at prøve en anden betalingsmetode, jeg har allerede prøvet 3 elektroniske tegnebøger efter forslag fra områdesupporten, jeg venter de 5 hverdage, der er angivet i deres tilbagetrækningsproces, og i sidste ende afviser de min anmodning, og det eneste de rapporterer er "afvist af midlertidige tekniske årsager", det virker endda som en joke .

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ja, det er det samme problem med mine udbetalinger! Hvad kan vi gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Men mine 200 kr er gået igennem og blevet godkendt. Samme betalingsmetode - Mastercard. De narrer os bare!

Automatisk oversættelse:
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