At vurdere, at casinoet har et højt sikkerhedsindeks, samarbejder det ofte med os i klager, når vi kontakter det. Så hvis du ikke gjorde noget forkert, så ville der være en chance for, at hele sagen ville blive opklaret. Hvis kasinoet derimod beviser, at du var skyld i, så ville klagen være lukket. Uanset hvad, så skal du ikke betale for det, og det er muligt, at det bliver løst. Så hvis casinoets klage til dig ikke er nok, så kan du ikke gøre noget.🙂
Judging that the casino has a high safety index, it often cooperates with us in complaints when we contact it. So if you didn't do anything wrong, then there would be a chance that the whole case would be solved. If, on the other hand, the casino proves that you were at fault, then the complaint would be closed. Either way, you don't have to pay for it and it's possible that it will be resolved. So if the casino's complaint to you is not enough, then you can do nothing.🙂
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